GP32 Who wants Abuse for Gp32?


Oct 26, 2003
Sup? I workin on the basics of Gp32 programming and it doesn't seem too hard. Give me feed back, to see if its worth my time...

I agree, would be great, but controls on GP sadly lacking to do it justice.. :-/
no an exact port, but similar one. Also. I want to create a game, based on a korean title called "Slayers" I want to make it online rdy. Is there a way a gp32 could be connected wirelessly? or was that just a Euro myth (Euro only) device.

Yeah, go for it! Abuse was a good game, and one I wouldn't mind seeing on the GP :)

Ok, controls might be an issue, but I'm sure there are ways round (Doom managed it after all)
Try it! I think we shouldn't think about controls until it is ported... there is always a way... :)
I thought about porting this a long time ago, but I never did anything about it.

There's already an SDL port of Abuse, so maybe you could start with that.

Also, if I remember correctly, the graphics are already all in 320x240 and 8bpp, which is perfect for the GP32.

I think you could make the controls work. It would be rather unique, but I think that the original was meant to be rather unique.

Anyway, whatever you do, I would recommend starting with a version that's already set up to compile with GCC. That should make things a lot nicer.
I think someone mentioned on another thread that you should use the joystick/pad to look and use L & R to move left and right. I think that would work out rather well, and A could be jump and B fire or other way around and select change weapon.

Just relaying an idea. Hope it helps. :rolleyes:
Hey how bout these for controls.
L+R = Forward and back
D-Pad = Lok around
B = Fire
A = Ablity
Selecet = Jump
Start = Use switches etc
Start+Select = pause -B changes weapons when paused

Id love abuse on the GP32 itd be great
What about being the 1st to have a go coding for the ericson keyboard thingy that sum1 is making? that would have all the keys :o
What about being the 1st to have a go coding for the ericson keyboard thingy that sum1 is making? that would have all the keys
cool idea isnt it?

BTW : isnt the CHA01 ans the EXT port too slow?
Not sure at all about that

see you :lol:
I would really like to see anybody who can play with a chatboard, the joypad and buttons without a table... impossible...

But ShadowHarlequin's idea sounds nice.
Sry but using the keyboard is a waste of time. 1st its annoying. 2nd I'm not wasting the $$. But thank you for the advice ;)

-Matt (Workin on Fury and Mayhem "Beats of Rage source", and abuse) I thought i should give back to the community, now thor just make KOF91 have mp3 support :))
I had originally added a post on this site asking if anyone would port it. I'm working on sequel to this game - meaning I really like it.

As far as the controls I think that I gave to ideas for the controls in that post - I'm just dropping by before work, thus I can't get into looking for the post right at this moment, but it's here somewhere.

Here's a direct link to the "pretty much dead" 3D version of Abuse that I was working on as well:
Most of those designs will be used in the 2D sequel...

Thanks for considering porting it!!!
I think someone mentioned on another thread that you should use the joystick/pad to look and use L & R to move left and right. I think that would work out rather well, and A could be jump and B fire or other way around and select change weapon.

Just relaying an idea. Hope it helps. :rolleyes:
Lol that would've been me :)
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