GP32 Mr.mirkos Sdk Replacement

What means

- click free at all clockrates ( 33-156 )

means that the user dont need to care about cached memory, the sound is working out of the box.
Only if you use very slow clock rates, (33mhz) you must set the cache off to the framebuffer, else the refresh of the lcd screen will block the samplemixer. I tested the sound with all clockrates, and a big cpuload, ( see 3drotating tube demo) and sound is always "click" free.
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mmm just a problem, your timer4 isr interfers with other timer configurations since you write in rTCON ...

btw:how much time the isr is taking on cpu?
Mhh, lets see if i can change this...

the modplayer is very cpu friendly,
at 33Mhz cpuclock, you still have 70% of cpu power, 30% for modplayer...
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mmm just a problem, your timer4 isr interfers with other timer configurations since you write in rTCON ...

btw:how much time the isr is taking on cpu?
Mhh, lets see if i can change this...

the modplayer is very cpu friendly,
at 33Mhz cpuclock, you still have 70% of cpu power, 30% for modplayer...
try this...

// written 2004 Mirko Roller

#include "gp32.h"

extern unsigned char modfile1[];
extern unsigned char modfile2[];
extern unsigned char sample1[];
extern unsigned char sample2[];

static volatile int t3=0;

__irq static void timer3_isr( void ) //should be called @50Hz

void InstallTicker( void )
  unsigned long count;
  u32 rtcon=rTCON;
  count=gp_getPCLK(); //==PCLK Mhz/8bit prescaler+1/4bit divier/target freq 50Hz
  rTCNTB3 = count;
  rTCFG0 |= (0xFF<<8);//255+1
  rTCFG1 |= (0x3<<12);//16
  rTCON |= (0x5<<17); //auto reload=1 + maunal update=1
  rTCON = rtcon |(0x9<<16); //auto-reload=1 + manual update=0 +start=1
  gp_installSWIIRQ(13,timer3_isr); //13=ISR for timer3

int main() {
  char time[20];
  int t;
  u16* framebuffer = (u16*) FRAMEBUFFER;
  // If you get clicky sound, disable cache on framebuffer
  gp_setMMU ( framebuffer, framebuffer+(320*240*2)-1, 0xFF2 );

  gp_startSoundmixer(22050,16); // start IRQ modfile

   gp_clearFramebuffer16 ( framebuffer, 0xFFFF );
   gp_drawString (  1, 10, 35,"Mr.Mirko Mod/Mixer running @33Mhz   ", 0xF800, framebuffer );
   gp_drawString ( 20, 30, 25,"L     = Play Sample1       ", 0xF800, framebuffer );
   gp_drawString ( 20, 40, 25,"R     = Play Sample2       ", 0xF800, framebuffer );
   gp_drawString ( 20, 50, 25,"START = Start Modfile1     ", 0xF800, framebuffer );
   gp_drawString ( 20, 60, 25,"SELECT= Start Modfile2     ", 0xF800, framebuffer );
   gp_drawString ( 20, 70, 25,"A     = RESET              ", 0xF800, framebuffer );
   gp_drawString ( 20, 80, 25,"B     = Stop  Soundmixer   ", 0xF800, framebuffer );
   gp_drawString ( 20, 90, 25,"UP    = Start Soundmixer   ", 0xF800, framebuffer );
  while (1) {
    if (gp_getButton()&BUTTON_A)      exit(1);
    if (gp_getButton()&BUTTON_START)  gp_startModfile(modfile1);
    if (gp_getButton()&BUTTON_B)      gp_stopSoundmixer();
    if (gp_getButton()&BUTTON_SELECT) gp_startModfile(modfile2);
    if (gp_getButton()&BUTTON_L)      gp_addSample( (u16*)sample1,22050,GP32_STEREO,0,100800);
    if (gp_getButton()&BUTTON_R)      gp_addSample( (u16*)sample2,22050,GP32_STEREO,0,148160);
    if (gp_getButton()&BUTTON_UP)     gp_startSoundmixer(22050,16);

sound is broken, even if i put my InsallTimer call before the gp_startSoundMixer call which is really weird...
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mmm just a problem, your timer4 isr interfers with other timer configurations since you write in rTCON ...

btw:how much time the isr is taking on cpu?
Mhh, lets see if i can change this...

the modplayer is very cpu friendly,
at 33Mhz cpuclock, you still have 70% of cpu power, 30% for modplayer...
try this...

// written 2004 Mirko Roller

#include "gp32.h"

extern unsigned char modfile1[];
extern unsigned char modfile2[];
extern unsigned char sample1[];
extern unsigned char sample2[];

static volatile int t3=0;

__irq static void timer3_isr( void ) //should be called @50Hz

void InstallTicker( void )
  unsigned long count;
  u32 rtcon=rTCON;
  count=gp_getPCLK(); //==PCLK Mhz/8bit prescaler+1/4bit divier/target freq 50Hz
  rTCNTB3 = count;
  rTCFG0 |= (0xFF<<8);//255+1
  rTCFG1 |= (0x3<<12);//16
  rTCON |= (0x5<<17); //auto reload=1 + maunal update=1
  rTCON = rtcon |(0x9<<16); //auto-reload=1 + manual update=0 +start=1
  gp_installSWIIRQ(13,timer3_isr); //13=ISR for timer3

int main() {
  char time[20];
  int t;
  u16* framebuffer = (u16*) FRAMEBUFFER;
  // If you get clicky sound, disable cache on framebuffer
  gp_setMMU ( framebuffer, framebuffer+(320*240*2)-1, 0xFF2 );

  gp_startSoundmixer(22050,16); // start IRQ modfile

   gp_clearFramebuffer16 ( framebuffer, 0xFFFF );
   gp_drawString (  1, 10, 35,"Mr.Mirko Mod/Mixer running @33Mhz   ", 0xF800, framebuffer );
   gp_drawString ( 20, 30, 25,"L     = Play Sample1       ", 0xF800, framebuffer );
   gp_drawString ( 20, 40, 25,"R     = Play Sample2       ", 0xF800, framebuffer );
   gp_drawString ( 20, 50, 25,"START = Start Modfile1     ", 0xF800, framebuffer );
   gp_drawString ( 20, 60, 25,"SELECT= Start Modfile2     ", 0xF800, framebuffer );
   gp_drawString ( 20, 70, 25,"A     = RESET              ", 0xF800, framebuffer );
   gp_drawString ( 20, 80, 25,"B     = Stop  Soundmixer   ", 0xF800, framebuffer );
   gp_drawString ( 20, 90, 25,"UP    = Start Soundmixer   ", 0xF800, framebuffer );
  while (1) {
    if (gp_getButton()&BUTTON_A)      exit(1);
    if (gp_getButton()&BUTTON_START)  gp_startModfile(modfile1);
    if (gp_getButton()&BUTTON_B)      gp_stopSoundmixer();
    if (gp_getButton()&BUTTON_SELECT) gp_startModfile(modfile2);
    if (gp_getButton()&BUTTON_L)      gp_addSample( (u16*)sample1,22050,GP32_STEREO,0,100800);
    if (gp_getButton()&BUTTON_R)      gp_addSample( (u16*)sample2,22050,GP32_STEREO,0,148160);
    if (gp_getButton()&BUTTON_UP)     gp_startSoundmixer(22050,16);

sound is broken, even if i put my InsallTimer call before the gp_startSoundMixer call which is really weird...
i change my rtcon writes, so other timer registers are not affected...
Its a bug in mixermod.c

Its corrected next release, or change:

rTCON = (0x1<<22) | (0x0<<20); //Timer4 off
rTCON = (0x1<<22) | (0x1<<20); //Timer4 on autoreload

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in which function lies the bug?
static void TIMER4IRQ(void) {

rTCON = (0x1<<22) | (0x0<<20); //Timer4 off
rTCON = BITCLEAR(rTCON,20); // timer4 off

rTCON = (0x1<<22) | (0x1<<20); //Timer4 on autoreload
rTCON = BITSET(rTCON,20); // timer4 on

and put :
#define BITSET(a,B)   (a|= (1<<b))
#define BITCLEAR(a,B) (a&=~(1<<b))
to gp32.h
thats it..
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In my opinion the Soundsystem is now very usable, and very easy to handle...
Man, your SDK just gets more awesome with each release! What new features are you working on for the next release, and do you need any help? ;)

Actually, I ask because I'm planning on writing some functions that'll load sprite data from a file into the header+sprite format that your sprite drawing functions expect. That way, programmers can update their graphics easily without having to recompile their apps.

However, I figured that I should ask you if you're working on something similar, so I don't duplicate your work. Also, I wanted to run by a couple ideas of how to deal with this: I thought that perhaps it would be useful to modify the bmp2bin utility you wrote to create a binary file version of the image data... basically, take the u16 array it creates, and dump it bit-by-bit to a file. Then, not only would reading it in be easy (just read file into RAM, and then point the sprite drawing functions at it), but it would be easy enough to use your ZDA compressor to pack the graphics files, and then load the graphic's binary data from ZDA files.

What're your thoughts?
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In my opinion the Soundsystem is now very usable, and very easy to handle...
Man, your SDK just gets more awesome with each release! What new features are you working on for the next release, and do you need any help? ;)

Actually, I ask because I'm planning on writing some functions that'll load sprite data from a file into the header+sprite format that your sprite drawing functions expect. That way, programmers can update their graphics easily without having to recompile their apps.

However, I figured that I should ask you if you're working on something similar, so I don't duplicate your work. Also, I wanted to run by a couple ideas of how to deal with this: I thought that perhaps it would be useful to modify the bmp2bin utility you wrote to create a binary file version of the image data... basically, take the u16 array it creates, and dump it bit-by-bit to a file. Then, not only would reading it in be easy (just read file into RAM, and then point the sprite drawing functions at it), but it would be easy enough to use your ZDA compressor to pack the graphics files, and then load the graphic's binary data from ZDA files.

What're your thoughts?

i dont know what iam planing for the future, some more speed ups in sound, and some rewrite of sprite stuff, but i have no plans for new features...
Of couse i could add 100 of new functions ( drawBox, new Fonts, ...) but this will only blow up, at this stage the SDK is in a very good stage, there Users can use it, and if someone wants new Features, he must use his own brain and write it...

For the Sprite loading functions:
At this stage iam not using the header info a lot, and i think it will all blow up things, in the near future i remove the sprite header feature, and all functions work with raw data. This is a lot easyer for the user.
I think there is no need for a spriteloading function, you can load a sprite as a normal file, or out of a container, easily.

bmp2bin, is creating a raw sprite format. Without any header. The header was only created if using the -x switch. One pixel of a sprite is 16Bit, so a u16 was used. You can use this output and put it to a zda container file, no need to create a new container file, once its created. In my examples i converted the raw data to *.c files, to make the examples more simple to use.

btw, someone knows how to include raw data with the linker ?
( without converting it first to a *.c file )


P.s. if someone wants to help me, can someone compile my tools (bmp2raw, raw2c, and compress) to windows executables ? A lot folks ask for it...
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MrMirko said:
For the Sprite loading functions:
At this stage iam not using the header info a lot, and i think it will all blow up things, in the near future i remove the sprite header feature, and all functions work with raw data. This is a lot easyer for the user.
Hrm... but if I put a whole bunch of headerless sprites into a ZDA archive, how will I be able to figure out what their dimensions are when I read them back in? IMO, having the header makes it a lot easier to switch graphics on the fly, since then you don't have to hard code sprite sizes into your app.

As well, I'd love to have ZDA archives that include a header, so that the program could just scan for files with a specific name inside the archive.
MrMirko said:
bmp2bin, is creating a raw sprite format. Without any header. The header was only created if using the -x switch. One pixel of a sprite is 16Bit, so a u16 was used. You can use this output and put it to a zda container file, no need to create a new container file, once its created. In my examples i converted the raw data to *.c files, to make the examples more simple to use.
Ahh, I was confused about bmp2bin... I thought it just produced the *.c files. What you're telling me is that bmp2bin already does everything I want, and that I shouldn't worry about it. :)

I should be good to go, thanks for producing such an awesome piece of code!
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MrMirko said:
For the Sprite loading functions:
At this stage iam not using the header info a lot, and i think it will all blow up things, in the near future i remove the sprite header feature, and all functions work with raw data. This is a lot easyer for the user.
Hrm... but if I put a whole bunch of headerless sprites into a ZDA archive, how will I be able to figure out what their dimensions are when I read them back in? IMO, having the header makes it a lot easier to switch graphics on the fly, since then you don't have to hard code sprite sizes into your app.

As well, I'd love to have ZDA archives that include a header, so that the program could just scan for files with a specific name inside the archive.
MrMirko said:
bmp2bin, is creating a raw sprite format. Without any header. The header was only created if using the -x switch. One pixel of a sprite is 16Bit, so a u16 was used. You can use this output and put it to a zda container file, no need to create a new container file, once its created. In my examples i converted the raw data to *.c files, to make the examples more simple to use.
Ahh, I was confused about bmp2bin... I thought it just produced the *.c files. What you're telling me is that bmp2bin already does everything I want, and that I shouldn't worry about it. :)

I should be good to go, thanks for producing such an awesome piece of code!
Yes, a zda container with header is a nice idear, it will make data handing a lot easyer... I write some next weekend...

Mhh, yes the sprite header is usefull, i keep it, and write every sprite sprite function for header and without header... SO the user can choose...
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Yes, a zda container with header is a nice idear, it will make data handing a lot easyer... I write some next weekend...

Mhh, yes the sprite header is usefull, i keep it, and write every sprite sprite function for header and without header... SO the user can choose...
Awesome to hear about the ZDA stuff! That means that by the time I'm actually ready to get to file reading, you'll probably have that bit ready. ;)

I'm working on a higher-level set of C++ classes for working with your SDK... basically just some nice handlers for making layers (with nice parallax scrolling!), and handling animated sprites. Once I get it to the point that it actually does something useful, I'll release it to the community through my site. :)
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Yes, a zda container with header is a nice idear, it will make data handing a lot easyer... I write some next weekend...

Mhh, yes the sprite header is usefull, i keep it, and write every sprite sprite function for header and without header... SO the user can choose...
Awesome to hear about the ZDA stuff! That means that by the time I'm actually ready to get to file reading, you'll probably have that bit ready. ;)

I'm working on a higher-level set of C++ classes for working with your SDK... basically just some nice handlers for making layers (with nice parallax scrolling!), and handling animated sprites. Once I get it to the point that it actually does something useful, I'll release it to the community through my site. :)
sounds very nice, and nice that you share your work later :)
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- new zda container format, with header support
- new example.zda shows you how to use the new zda format
- new tool.zda_compressor, you no longer need to know anything about the
created zda file.
- updated example.3dtunnel
- updated cpu clocks, to support 22-220 Mhz now.

have fun,