GP32 and Multi Pcs


Still Fresh
Jan 27, 2004
I have had a problem with my GP32. GBAx are replacing the unit. They tell me that if you want to use the GP32 on a different PC then you have to re-register the machine. Please could someone explain why and also if this will affect GPcinema. I have been told that I do not need to register the new machine and that entware will be able to send me a copy of GPcinema that will run on the new unregistered machine. I thought registering caused freelauncher and Gpcinema to be blocked to the one machine but if you don't need to be registered is this not the case? What is taken from the PC to tie the PC and GP32 together?
As far as I know, the registering process for GP Cinema means that when you log into Entware, you can download a copy of GPCinema as much as you like (after paying for it) irrespective of what computer you're on. At least I think thats how it goes....
We told you already you don't need to register.

Its already set up with multifirmware.

And there was nothing wrong with your old GP32, it worked perfectly.


I didn't mean that there was anything wrong with the old GP32, I was only trying to explain where I am at the moment - new GP32, already paid for GPcinema and confused by how it all works.

I want to understand how the registration works because I want to be able to use more than one pc - mine, my son's and also I am going to upgrade mine in the near future so what problems might I have?

I know you are putting everything except freelauncher on the machine but my son may prefer to use freelauncher and I think I need to register to get the correct freelauncher - or have I got that wrong?

I just want to understand how things work so I can be less of a 'user' and deal with any issues myself.
As long as you install the correct drivers on each PC then you should have no problem connecting the GP32 to any PC. I recommend getting a Card Reader which you can carry around too and just plug into any PC and use when you want. (assuming you have an operating system that detects it and lets you use it right away such as Windows XP)

As far as free launcher goes, i recommend you flash your GP32 with the Euro Firmware and this way you can forget about getting free launcher.

And lastly, GPCinema is encrypted and only works on the GP32 that you bought it for. So if you changed your GP32 and still want to use your copy of GPCinema then you have to contact where you bought GPCinema from and tell them your story and hopefully they will give you a new encrypted version for your new GP32. If not, then just buy another copy its really cheap.
GBAx are kindly putting on all the other versions of firmware so I know I don't need to worry about that. As I don't use the machine (it is my sons) I am not sure what he prefers and why. When he had the machine (he got it for Christmas) he was using freelauncher eventhough on the original machine GBAx had put wind-ups on. Probably a lack of knowledge on his part because it was all new and freelaucher seemed easy, he is 12years old.

One thing I don't understand is that if I don't register the new machine how will GPcinema know what to encrypt the software to. I assumed the registering meant they had details of the machine ID and therefore sent a version of the software that searched for that particular id. As this is not the case then how does it work and how does it stop people copying the software from one machine to another?

Can I use a normal card reader to copy on the free emulators etc. without using the pc link software?
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Maybe you are confused.

When you wanted to download FREE LAUNCHER, you had to register with GAMEPARK so that they could encrypt the application for your GP32.

When you wanted to buy GPCINEMA, you had to register with JOYGP so that they could encript the application for your GP32.

When you buy a GP32 from it already comes with an updated firmware so there is no need to register at GAMEPARK. But if you want to buy GPCINEMA you will STILL have to register with JOYGP. Since you had already bought GPCINEMA before and they have the info for your old machine, then you can email them and let them know that you replaced your GP32 and that if you can get a new copy of GPCinema. In which case you will have to do the registration process with them again so that they can get your new GP32's info and encrypt the application for that.

And yes you can use a card reader to copy everything over to the memory card. Some applications come in a .ZPK file which must be installed using the PCLink program. But most if not all of the emulators use regular .FXE which can just be copied over using a card reader.
Firstly, I just saw that last question - to which the answer is yes. Definitely. SMC readers are a lot faster than anything else, and you'll not run into problems there, except possibly with .fpk and .zpk files (simply because they have to be extracted)

However, back to what I was originally going to say - which is that I think you're confusing the registration process and the encryption that goes on when you buy a piece of software. Every GP32 has a unique ID - and that is *all* that is sent to gamepark (or joygp) when you register, possibly along with the encoded username and password: nothing about the specific computer you're registering from is sent (unlike XP activation).

However, a program encrypted for one unique ID (of the gamepark - you could do it from work, an internet cafe, or home, and as long as its for the same unit, it'll work fine) will only work with a gamepark with that specific ID. This means that if you have to replace (as opposed to get repaired) your GP32, anything bought for your old one will not work on the new one!. But that would be a result of replacing a Gamepark, not a computer.

So if you buy 2 gameparks, you have to buy GPCinema twice. Although if you buy them both from one computer, you can transfer both copies from wherever - as long as you send each one to the right GP32.

EDIT: Bah - JCB got there first :P
Thank You!!!!

The mist has cleared.

When I was registering with Gamepark the site was having problems so when I then went to the GPCinema site and had to enter my details again I did not realize I had completed a second separate registration - I thought it was connected to the probelms with the normal site and the fact I was redirected.

I now understand why the registration that enabled me to get freelauncher is not relevant to GPCinema.

Hopefully I will not have any more problems and the next time this login is used it will be because my son is learning/ has learnt about the interesting parts of the GP32.
This means that if you have to replace (as opposed to get repaired) your GP32, anything bought for your old one will not work on the new one!
Not if you boungt the games on SMC card... :) But it doesn't seem like danshevill got any games on SMC anyways, so doesn't really matter :P

Oh, btw I'm turning 12, too in:

1 month 13 days 9 hours 27 minutes 15 seconds or
6 weekends or
43 days or
1,017 hours (678 waking hours) or
61,047 minutes or
3,662,834 seconds

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When you buy a GP32 from it already comes with an updated firmware so there is no need to register at GAMEPARK.
Hm... it's pretty off-topic (well, the problem's been solved anyway), but I wondered... how the heck does craig flash the firmware WITHOUT registering it first?
You need the freelauncher to flash...

AFAIK the only other ways would be...

1. Flash with the cable (like Mr. Spiv does when fixing broken fw-GP32s)
2. Use a modified version of Freelauncher (which runs on any GP)
3. Use a flash tool / other launcher tool which exists as gxb/gxe-file...

Any ideas?

BTW: I turned 12 14 years, 2 months, 10 days, 8 hours, and 39 minutes ago...
Boy, I am getting ooooold...
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Or maybe he uses a a special tool to encrypt freelauncher, much like the one used via irc