

Still Fresh
Jan 22, 2004
I have had my GP32 for a about a month now, and I must say its the nuts! - I love this thing.

Love the retro games (esp. pang! and champ manager for castaway!), watching south park on gpcinema etc.... also as a software engineer I'm really keen to get into the dev side of things!

I have been watching this board for a while now; but haven't posted as I wanted to swot up on the GP32 and the community rather than just barge in and ask a load of (already answered somewhere else) newbie type questions, u know?

Anyways just though I would say hi!
hey chez just wanted to say that i too am new and i agree this board is very helpful. when researching weather to purchase a gp i checked this place out. you are one of the lucky ones that you do have your gp i still dont have min from liksang which is kinda crazy i think.
on another note i would love to get into the dev side of things but would deff be a newbi what would you suggest to get started?
I think I'll join in too :P I'm also new to the scene, my gp32 is on it's way, should reach the belgian shores in about a week :)
If you are not specifically a coder (like me, I just put web pages together for a living). You can:

create custom backgrounds for windups (windows like interface)
create custom boot up screens (with aquafish's new firmware)
look up old doom wads and help put them on GP32. (I'm working on Alien Doom)
help out fellow newbies who fall foul to very common problems (e.g the USB link)
create custom background and characters for KOF91
create custom skins for GP Cinema

Once you've done all that (e.g. old and grey) then upload them to any of these sites for everyone else to have a look.

But above all, keep the spirit of the community alive...
on another note i would love to get into the dev side of things but would deff be a newbi what would you suggest to get started?

Depends on how much of a newbie you are? I have Java, C++, PERL, asp, VB assembly (theory) experience but I still anticipate coding for the GP32 to be tricky -coz I have done no games development experience whatsoever, I focus mainly on web based systems.

If you are a newbie to programming then from what I have seen, you should put GP dev on the back burner for a while, first learn some programming theory, then do some java or c++ and see how you get on.

- Chez