

Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2003
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Verrry strange... I dunno if it has to do with overclocking or what, but I was playing OSnes9xGP (156MhZ) in the car with the FLU on, and suddenly the power went out. No warning like FLU light going off or screen going white... And I'm sure that it wasn't just the battries loose or something, other ones do work.... But still, I'm not going over 133MhZ for a while...
If your batteries are low then that can happen. It has happened to me several times..
are you using the new Aquafish firmware??? Now that I have flashed my firmware, my batteries don't fade and the screen flicker and all that crap anymore, the GP just dies without warning.
last night wheil I was playing w/ the FLU the FLU shut off and flickered and shit and went white and then made a loud akward buzzing sound

I got the new aqua one too (if 2.1 is still the new one)
last night wheil I was playing w/ the FLU the FLU shut off and flickered and shit and went white and then made a loud akward buzzing sound
That kinf of problems happened to me with the MrSpiv MFW2 so I dont think its due to the new Aqua FW....
See you ;)