GP32 OpenGL on gp32 is it possible???

I would imagine so, although the Yeti3D engine shows exploitation of the 2D engine to create 3D I would think OpenGL would be just an 'effect' rather than an actual 3D device, if you get my meaning. I think overall it would be far easier just to write something completely new rather than trying to port OpenGL.
There were tech demo's available of tinyGL.
One with glgears, and one with a spinning cube, if I remember correctly.
It was quite slow indeed, but it was stil early beta.
opengl is a 3d graphic lib (a bunch of functions)
it can be implemented in software for sure (ie:mesaGL) but the main issue is the that opengl use alot of floats, and the gp32 dont have any fpu...
this is the same issue for x86 in fact(even if they have fpu), but they use GFX to execute opengl
so yes gp32 could use opengl (as shown by CHUI' tinyGL port) but never at a decent speed...even for 2d opengl
As others have covered, OpenGL is portable. It's just a set of functions (an API) that you fill in the code for, per device. Tricky however due to lack of FPU or graphics hardware. TinyGL is a reduced version of OpenGL that is easier to port, but from what I've heard the two are in completely different levels of difficulty when it comes to porting.