1 Question !!!


Still Fresh
May 16, 2003
A few months ago I have read here about a bunch of LCD utilities that you can use to make the screen "strech, shrink, riple, ........, etc" without annoying the CPU at all !!!
Is it possible to use this for full screen emulators without slowing them down ?????
That thing you saw was less of a utility and more of a demo (if I'm on the right lines here) It's entirely up to the coders of the Emulators wether or not the screen is filled, I'm not sure if it has an effect on performance, although I wouldn't think so.
Full screen for most of the emus would mean screen stretching (sp?) horizontally, which would make for a very ugly picture.
Also, screen stretching is certainly CPU intensive, and not the best thing to do on a system already struggling to run the games as they are.
I think it was a set of instructions that adresses the LCD directly ! witch meens zero CPU involment !!!
As for the uglyness I think it's a matter of opinion and after all it could be swiched on and off as an option !!!
What do the developers think ???