I was so wrong about play-asia and I just want to correct myself and hope no one else has issues with these liars.
I have made several orders from play-asia in the past and I was having major problems finding a gba sp with no dust in the stores so I asked Tom (the guy at play-asia.com) if he could find me a gba sp with no dust and he said the first box he opened was one with no dust and I quote
"We heard about the problems with dust inside the GBA screen. Although, over
the last weeks we sold many GBAs and we have not yet had any
"Ok, I have check and the first one I picked has no dust (checked with
black/dark background game as well). If you agree, I kindly ask you to set
up an order and let me know so I can send the reserved unit for you."
So I ordered immediately I then sent 2 more emails begging and pleading that he please make sure there is no dust in the screen before shipping it his response and I quote
"Yes, no problem

Just please confirm once you get the GBA if it suits your
needs (it most certainly will)"
The package arrived and I rushed to open it thinking finally I would have a dust free gba sp when I opened it there was alot of dust on the front of the screen, I realized that they could not have possibly checked for dust since they didnt even bother to wipe the front, when I turned it on the screen had 2 of the biggest dust specs I have ever seen on a gba sp and I have seen over 40 gba sp's to date these things were the size of the periods in old nes copyright text at the bottom of every "press start" screen thats how freaking big these specs were.
I instantly emailed them in caps asking them why they lied to me, they responded to me in denial saying
"We have checked the GBA SP before it was sent out and did not spot any
problem, maybe the parts are so small that they can hardly be seen."
(which is of course a lie as a mentioned the dust all over the front of the screen made it very obvious they didnt bother to check it which is of course what i responded with)
and I got the reply
"The order had the instructions printed that the unit should be checked carefully. Further we actually had
just a very few complaints among a lot of units we have exported."
(uh, did anyone else catch that? earlier they said "we sold many GBAs and we have not yet had any
complaint" but now its "very few complaints")
I then discussed with them the refund process and asked if I could get my money back when I send UPS and give them the tracking number and they responded with.
"Yes we can issue the refund when you send us the tracking
When i send the tracking number and ask for my money back I get
"I am very sorry, we can only refund the money once the item has been
delivered back to us. It should only be very very few days."
I responded quoting the message where they had clearly told me I could get a refund as soon as I give them the tracking number and I got no response from them, I then sent a 2nd email repeating the quote and still have not gotten a response from them.
Some of you may not think this is such a big deal but I lost time waiting for the package, time picking up the package at the station, money for the shipping to and from, and temporarily (if not permenently) lost the money I paid for the gba sp all because Play-asia felt like lying about checking a gba sp for dust i mean how hard is it to spend 30 seconds checking a gba sp for dust? What kind of company wouldn't take 30 seconds for a regular customer?
Let me know what you guys think im not being unreasonable am i?