Best SNES rpgs

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Are there any good English RPG's for SNES, other than Chrono trigger, FF2, FF3?
best snes rpg (next to chrono trigger of course) is final fantasy 5 in my opinion. also if you have time i suggest you check out the breath of fire games... definately not a waste of time.
Off Topic: I think I'm a bit behind the times as I only tried Chrono Trigger for the first time last night (I thought it was about time after everyone singing it's praise on these boards). It looks superb. Did I read somewhere that it has transparancy problems with OpenSNES9x? Maybe people could add how compatable the rpg's are with OpenSNES9x as they try them?
Try Terranigma Its brilliant

Also try Lufia 1 and 2, Tales of Phantasia, the Dragon Quest series and Seiken Densetsu (Secret of Mana).

There really are loads of great English tranlated SNES RPGs and fortunately they tend to work well on Gp32.

ps... I personally also like Breath of Fire 1 and 2.
i've heard lots of praise for Live A Live and Front Mission

there's translation patches available for both
Secret of Mana
Ssecret of Mana 2
Lufia 2
Breath of Fire
Breath of Fire 2
FFMQ (I liked it)
Illusion Of Gaia
Seiken Densetsu 3
thebluenewt posted on Dec 23 2003 at 03:18 PM said:
Bahamut Lagoon is one of my favourites, I'll be pleasantly surprised if it's playable though.
I can't get Bahamut lagoon to stay stable. It just black screens after the opening, no matter what I try.
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Lufia II doesn't work, Breath of Fire II is so slow its unplayable, going to try some of the other suggestions, thanks guys.