Finally, Pocket PSX Emulation


Jan 19, 2003
Now I know this may not be new to some of you but I'd just like to bring it up here since its just so damned amazing. ;)

FPSEce currently runs most ripped PSX games on the Asus A620 2003 PPC at 30-50 FPS without frameskipping! :o

Now I have to admit that I don't like the portrait screens PPCs have but if its PSX emulation I think I can overlook that. And when you consider that the Asus A620 is the same price as the Zodiac 2 I think this may be what kills the Zodiac! Feel free to discuss. :) (BTW videos and screenshots are HERE)
The Asus is more expensive than most people would pay for a gaming machine I think ($349). I'd rather have a PDA than a Zodiac, though.

Then again, I'd rather have a Handheld PC than a PDA. And I do. So I'm happy :)
divadsci posted on Dec 17 2003 at 09:43 PM said:
im sure that first video of ffVII was a bit too jerky to be 0 frameskip, but even so that is really quite impressive
Actually its already been discussed on the FPSEce forums that the videos were recorded at 15FPS (or somewhere near there) so it is innacurate to judge the FPS by the videos, look at the post here to see where various PSX games range in FPS: Remember, of course, that these are not all reported with the Asus A620.
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I'll wait for SONY PSP where surely FFVII and other great games will be released. I love FFVII too much to play it disfigured like this.
jegHegy posted on Dec 18 2003 at 12:28 AM said:
gp32animefreak posted on Dec 17 2003 at 11:16 PM said:
after snes is done jadam will try ps1 on the zodiac, but i doubt he will succede
i know jadam. he's a dick.
He might not succeed fully, but I bet he'll get more done than you think since he helped with PocketSX for the 2002 PPC (currently discontinued, might return). And jegHegy, how do you know he's a dick?

sleepless posted on Dec 18 2003 at 01:30 AM said:
I'll wait for SONY PSP where surely FFVII and other great games will be released. I love FFVII too much to play it disfigured like this.

So, You'll wait for the PSP, then you'll hope they remake a PSP version of FFVII, then you'll play it and find out they didn't port it "exactly" as the original PSX one, then you'll reflect back on this, and realize you should have just gotten a PPC and emulated FFVII in the first place.. Of course, maybe not. But I'm just saying... and have you heard Sony might have messed up if they release the PSP with its current 8MB of SDRAM?
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I personally can't see the point of having FF7 portable. I like it as much as anyone else, but I doubt I'd play it if it was an option to play it portably. Hell, I have a laptop, I have the game, I take it around a lot with me (the laptop) and I don't (play the game). But that's just me...FF7 is pretty slow paced, that's all.
Hmmm, well first, you can't really compare a PPC to a laptop (except maybe in the near future when they'll have 3D graphics cards) and second this isn't just FF7 we're talking about, its already got amazing compatibility! :) (See forum link I posted 2 posts above)
oh, i can already imagine the joy of psx emulating with not even half of the buttons that the psx controller got..
and secondly, most games need to get ripped out sound and/or music to fit, that takes away some fun too, at least for me.
lol wtf.. PSX emulation, oh well.. id rather wait for a handheld that can at least emulate the N64.. They could do it easily, but im not sure how much it would cost the developers.

Cant we get PSX on the gp32? im probably asking a stupid question since the games are way too big. But id like to know what is stopping it CPU in most case and i suppose the graphics chip is nowhere near capable of? if that is the case how come we cannot emulate the GBA at full speed if the gp32 is a 32bit console?

Opps.. i double posted thought i clicked edit :blink:
Shadow of Chaos posted on Dec 18 2003 at 06:44 AM said:
how come we cannot emulate the GBA at full speed if the gp32 is a 32bit console?

Hahaha....someone want to explain to this guy why the term "bits" doesn't correspond to how powerful a console is? Hell, even the Xbox is technically a 32 bit console.

It's a matter of CPU speed, and the efficiency of the emulator. Although I think that if Bleemcast was possible on the 200Mhz SH4 that the DC was using, then it ought to be possible on the 133Mhz Arm9 that the GP32 is running, if somewhat slower. Also, there are games small enough to fit on the smartmedia cards when compressed, such as Vib Ribbon, or Metal Slug X.
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No, no and, uuuuuummmmmm, no!

the GP32 does not have enough raw power to emulate PSX games. think about this- for most emulators to run at full speed, the machine you emulate it on must be at least 10x more powerful than the machine its emulating. The PSX is slightly more powerful than the GP32. It may be able to play games if they are ported to GP32 code and optimised, but it will not be able to emulate it. We cannot emulate GBA full speed because of the same reason, the code would need quite a bit of optimisation, and would probably require the 32mb memory mod as standard.
Now that I think about it, is anyone willing to mod a GP32 for 32MB memory for a (not so) small fee?

Damn you Rambozo, you beat me to it!

Oh, and N64, no way!
Seijuro posted on Dec 18 2003 at 05:46 AM said:
oh, i can already imagine the joy of psx emulating with not even half of the buttons that the psx controller got..
and secondly, most games need to get ripped out sound and/or music to fit, that takes away some fun too, at least for me.
Do you own a GP32? Do you use the SNES and/or Genesis emulators? Point proven. ;)
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:( thought it was going to be for the GP32 for a minute then when I saw the Title hehe... (Well I thought it was going to be a Emulator of the Pocket Playstation that was released ages ago that slots into the Memory car slot of a PS1....)