nanoGear !!!

Looks interesting. Shame about the low screen resolution though. Nice to see SNES style fire buttons too. It still looks a bit vaporous though - is it just a planned machine? Looks like the handheld market is getting even more corwded!
Last Year want's his thread back....

this has been floating around for months...

Let's face it people... all these upstarts are going to be swept aside by the Playstation handheld.... whatever head start they get will count for nothing... Sony will rule the handheld market in a couple of years just like the console world....
first handheld with built in hand grips? I'm sorry but the Lynx II had built in rubber hand grips first.

I also tried to email this company and the email address on the homepage is not valid, this company even still around?
The shape of it actually looks pretty RSI inducing. As biased as this sounds, the GP32 really is the perfect shape, size and weight (at least for my hands)... if only they had moved the A/B buttons up a touch and stuck two C/D buttons under them, and maybe put triggers on the little lumps on the back at the top, that'd be quite PSX-esq, but more comfortable.

I can't seem to find anything else of worth on the net about this... anyone else been able to gleen any useful information on it?
I got the correct email address, I emailed the CEO and will see if anything comes out of it. I'm trying to get more info. The web site is pretty vague.
Hopefully I'll get a reply to my email sometime soon, Just seems if this was fake that someone put a lot of effort into making a fake page and everything
Here's my email to the customer

First thing, on your web site, you state that this is the first system in history with built in hand grips. This is false, the Atari Lynx II had rubber hand grips built in on the back of it. You can even buy the replacement hand grips on Ebay. Second, I’m a collector of video game system and your web site is very vague. Is there anyway I can get more information on this system, price, games, etc? Thanks.

And here's the reply that I got.

I have every model of the lynx and nothing is new, everything has been done. And you can always argue that there is an aspect of something that is new, so that’s the point here, and if people don’t know something is not new then its irrelevant. I am a vintage collector myself, and for every example someone can say was the first, there’s always another that was “more first”, hence, a pointless battle. For example, you could say higginbotham invented the first video game or the later baer, but who cares, Nolan made the world know about it, so he gets the honor, first is only good sometimes if people know.
Anyway, the nanoGear is on hold until I get the $5M more to fund it. In
the meantime, we altered the plan to do somethnig simpler that I can
fund myself with a few hundred G’s—the XGameStation

Looks like NanoGear is on hold until he can get 5mil :P :P
WOW! nanoGear WOULD rock if it was real. But the game trac looks pretty nice too. But honestly, can it compete with the PSp? or even the GBA? And did you guys read the press section? I guess the game trac is made in partnership with TIGER Inc. infamous for its Kinda funny, but intresting nonetheless. Ill keep my eyes open!
The Moose posted on Dec 17 2003 at 12:33 AM said:
WOW! nanoGear WOULD rock if it was real.
Did anybody read the email that the president of XGamestation sent me. The NanoGear is real, he just doesn't have enough money to get it off the ground.
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Looks like a cheap controller I got for the ps2 :P
But would be neat. He hsould just team up with gamepark, bandai, and snk to make an ultamite handheld :D
extremegamer posted on Dec 17 2003 at 12:54 AM said:
Did anybody read the email that the president of XGamestation sent me. The NanoGear is real, he just doesn't have enough money to get it off the ground.
Yeah, damn investors... if I had 5mil then I'd be able to get my hoverboard off the ground.

Yes, it was a bad pun, so what
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