Euro launch official

Sep 7, 2003
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08/12/2003 - Official information of the GP32 in Spain.
Ladies and gentlemen, the launching of the GP32 in Spain is official.
The contract with Virgin Play was signed a pair ago of weeks. Virgin has bought 35,000 GP32 for the launching in April and will buy more units according to the answer of the public.
The price considered for the console (that seems to be that in principle it will not be FLU) is of about 150? and it is possible that it incorporates a SmartMedia card with some we give. The price of the official games will be of about 30.

Shortly I will put more news, mainly of the scope of the programming.

Thanks to Fx-man to maintain me to as much.

35000- thats amazing-

not to be a doomsayer but.. does anyone think it will be canceled again? I am not trying to plant any seeds and I've got no reasons to think so (other than the obvious). Just trying to make some interesting conversation.

meanwhile, it is interesting to note that Virgin used to be a game publisher, back in the 16-bit days.. they put out the Cool Spot games, as well as a Terminator game (surely there was more, but that's all I recall). I have no idea what happened to Virgin in general, I remember they used to have an airline + a soft drink as well (not to mention the record stores!) Then it all seemed to suddenly disappear.... guess they're still kicking around though. How fitting, that the two sketchy companies get together, eh?
Virgin were the people who made the Sega Master System a success in europe, if you read Bransons autobiography there is quite a lot about it in there.

So i'd say Virgin are the best bet of any distributor.

I do kinda feel its all too little too late... especially no FLU... but the events of the coming days might give the GP a little kick ;)

Here are the numbers I was talking a few days ago ^^

Everything is signed, just hope that GP won't close it's doors until everything is done :(

Virgin has only a few shops in Spain, Italy etc... Nothing you could compare with Uk for ex.
if it's official where is the press release?
usually big companies make these press releases.. anything before a press release is a guess i'd say..
Hum Game Park a never been professional enough to make official statements... i'm looking forward to Virgin's side :)
great news but only non-flu's will lower perception don't ya think?

it's generally accepted that the flu version is the only one to go for.....
Virgin used to be one of the biggest companies in europe and especially the uk... i think the founder was the richest britain a few years ago (not regarding all these royals).
They were huge in gaming-biz till 1997, when they had a huge financially disasterous flop, named toonstruck - an 8 million dollar (!!!! most expensive game back then ) project and it almost didnt sell at all. sadly, cause its one of the best adventure-games ever made imho.
Thats the moment they disappeared in US-gaming biz... afaik soon after that they also stopped producing in europe or at least didnt release much.
correct me if im wrong.
virgin, its a big distributor here in spain, and it's not very related to Virgin worldwide (I think it's less than a franchise). So this maybe would leave the gp32 at the same place it is, but with more consoles in spanish stores :)

I hope that VirginSP pushes some developers to code some games, but VirginSpain doesn't have the influence to do that :( .
Virgin are huge in the UK.

They have V2, a big record label with the likes of the white stripes, stereophonics and moby signed to it.

I hadn't noticed that they'd stopped publishing games but looking at my recent purchases none of them are virgin play so I guess they have.

Virgin Megastores are the biggest competitor to HMV here, though it's noticably a lot emptier than HMV in Newcastle...

They also have an airline and lots of very slow trains.

Richard Branson is the founder though I don't think he was ever that close to being the richest person in Britain (that woman who writes Harry Potter is richer than the queen by the way :P).