Acorn Emulator


OMG 3 years here!
Jun 11, 2003
Bournemouth, UK
Yay, I've just managed to convert another person to the GP32, thing is he's wondering if there's an Acorn emulator...I'm sure I saw one around, can some one give me some info if there is, if not is one in development?
What is an Acorn? Is it one of those things that make oak trees? If it's that, then it would be hard to emulate ;)
Acorn? Aren't those a little high tech for the GP32? Unless you mean the BBC, in which case I guess not. There's no BBC emulators on GP32 to my knowledge but it is completely capable of emulating it. Lack of demand, I guess. Most of the popular BBC games were ported to other computers - Repton's to Spectrum, Exile to C64 and Dare Devil Denis had a 'sequel' on C64 which was pretty much identical to the original. As for the archimedes, I seriously doubt the GP32 can emulate that! And I don't know anything about more modern Acorn PC's, but I can't even begin to fathom what they'd be like...

I'm sure if you show someone a few BBC games they could knock up a decent emulator in a few days, though. It's all about wanting to make something!
Acorn range from 2-200Mhz, more or less. I don't really see why anyone would want an acorn emulator though, since everything that runs also exists on the standard PC. Better emulate x86 then
bah! you freaks! (fraks?)

I want a BBC Micro emulator more than anything, 2nd only to Amiga, and if i wasn't so busy with other stuff i would try and port one myself

there have been a couple other people that have talked about maybe porting it to GP32 aswell, including the mighty CraigX, who i'm sure would do a much better job than me!

BeebEm has recently been ported to Dreamcast

so do not dis the Beeb you ignorant fools! ;)
You've got to love Acorn, who do you think is responsible for the lovely CPU running all our GP32s!

Thanks for the feedback guys. All I Know is that this guy is an Acorn nut (no pun intended). He's got some coding skills so I think he's gonna try and port the BBC micro himself, once he gets used to the GP32 and the Dev kit.
Without actually knowing WHAT the Acorn is - I have heard about it before... and even try to get the a Acorn-emulator to work. Well, I never did get in to (It's a bit hard figuring out how to do ANYTHING with a system you know nothing about).

The reason I tried however, was that acording to a homepage dedicated to ELITE, the best version of this game was for Acorn...
I do hope a BBC Emu appears, then I can play the Repton series on it! By the way there is even a version of 'The Last Ninja' for the BBC!
Without actually knowing WHAT the Acorn is...
That will be because there is no such computer as the Acorn. Acorn was the company, and things such as Electron, BBC and Archimedes (and probably others, but these are the famous ones) were the computers. It is true that most of the BBC games were ported to other systems, but how people can dare to suggest that Dare Devil Denis be played on anything other than a BBC...... well, it just makes my skin crawl! ;)
The reason I tried however, was that acording to a homepage dedicated to ELITE, the best version of this game was for Acorn...
My flat mate has an Acorn Archimedes and Elite is pretty impressive on it but the main problem with it is that it is too fast. In dog fights you end up cart wheeling your ship for ages trying to hit people.

I think the best version of Elite is to play the Gameboy Advance Elite: A New Kind on a Game Cube GBA Player, although I am also very fond of the NES and Spectrum versions. For GP32, the NES (NTSC hacked rom) version on LittleJohn is probably the best available.
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I've said it before and will probably say it again

chuckie egg
codename droid
Mr E

Are good enough reasons for someone to port the BBC Micro emulator.

Also anyone who went to junior school in the UK in the 1980/90s would have had the pleasure of playing Grannys garden and Dread Dragon Droom on the BBC micro
there are many reasons why a Beeb emu would be good on GP32:
(the games i used to like)

Mr Ee
Asteroids Deluxe
Crazy Painter / Amidar
Rocket Raid
Moon Raider
A Maze In Space
BMX on the Moon
Spaceman Sid
Eagle Empire
Killer Gorilla
Donkey Kong Jr
Attack on Alpha Centuri
Repton 3
Twin Kingdom Valley
Crazee Rider
Galaforce 2
Daredevil Dennis
Bouncing Bill
Transistors Revenge
Drain Mania
Rubble Trouble
JCB Digger
3D Munchy
Stryker's Run
Codename Droid
Cylon Attack
Space Pilot
Castle Quest
Kissin Cousins