Weee-e-e-e-ell if that shouldn't be possible, why not archive old threads?
Hehe, didn't notice the date, however Zarch is one of those games that people keep coming back to time after time. So any postings about it I consider timeless h34r:
Which Archimedes? The early versions should be quite possible, the later ones maybe not so much. Emulating a 25-33MHz ARM3 isn't out of the question but it's not a simple feat. It also greatly depends on exactly how much additional hardware these things have, and how complex the memory map is. Then there's the issue of resolution, we're not going to get 640x480 of course...
EDIT2: Buuuh didn't notice the thread ressurection, but it's interesting to reflect upon how much more possible this looks now than it probably did a few years ago...