

Certified Guru
Nov 16, 2003
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I've now got the bulk of my PC-Link replacement done, and was wondering what were the most annoying parts of the Original PC-Link, and what features would you like in a replacement?

This is the PC side of PC Link - I've still to do the GP32 side. However it is fully compatible with the PC Link of Dark Fader, the one from Pacrom, and the one from the original BIOS. On link programs that support it (such as Dark Fader's version), it also supports "Upload and execute" functionality. The ability of uploading and executing (without saving to SMC first) of FXE files is also possible - the file is simply converted to a suitable format before being sent down the link to the console. I think this will be ideal for testing other peoples demos and such.

Hopefully, my GP32 side of PCLink should offer some speed improvements over the original version, but there's no guarantees there yet as I've yet to investigate it that much.
Hey Squidge - this sounds great!

My pet peeve with PC-Link was that it didn't update folder contents reliably - so a folder would look empty until you click on "Refresh" to show the contents.

Looking forward to seeing the end result (although I now use Linux - will your program be open source? :)
Hmm... Few gripes against it apart form speed (which is not fixable since it's a hardware limitation, I assume) are...

1) Inability to rename files from inside PC-Link. Iirc I once found a rename feature, but it didn't really have any effect (left the file name identical having said it changed it)
2) Inability to copy GP to GP or PC to PC
3) 8.3 limitations - although the renaming hack and extension one fix that already.
4) When installing a .zpk or an .fpk, it doesn't create the root folders (GAME, GPMM, etc.) and just gives a process error if they ain't there. Could be nice to be fixed
5) Needing to use GPS2 to get the PDUID/SMCID.
6) Once anything's on the gamepark, all icon recognition for filetype goes. Completely. It'd be nice if an .exe file on the card didn't show up with the same pic as an .fxe, or a .txt likewise; can be confusing.
7) Inability to survive having the cable removed/GP32 turned off/connection broken without needing to be restarted; it'd be nice if you could have an option of "re-establish connection" to sort that one out.

I think those are all my gripes about the official one, although who knows - I could come up with some more if I tried. They'd mostly be gimmicky - or could just be misused (e.g. for those that haven't flashed firmware, an option "Encrypt .fxe as GXE/GXC could be very useful as it'd remove the freelauncher as a necessity; it'd also mean the encryption routines were in the wild, which would logically mean the decryption ones too - which would be a bad thing...)

Look forward to hearing progress on this :)
what Tobriand said :] those, and that it takes ages to open directories with a lot of files in them (it would be ok on the SMC, but it also takes a lot of time for my HD). a Total Commander-like interface would be pretty nice :] i'll be sure to use your app if you can get over these little annoying bugs in the official PCLink. thank you in advance, keep it up!
How about an automatic renaming tool where you just highlight the stuff you want to rename, and it just cuts off the end of the filename for you or takes out spaces and vowels or something? It might not work, but it's a hassle renaming whole batches every time so it's worth suggesting...
Oh... here's another thing you can add if you've got time or the effort to bother... auto-installing of roms. Basically, you have a database file (might as well use an ini, actually) that lists all the directories where roms for different systems go (.zip it'd need to check the extension of the file inside). The result'd be you could dump the roms you wanted on in a single dir, right click, and say install, since roms dirs are often fixed by the emu authors...

Could be a time-saving excercis... for us at least :)
Need to be more compatible with windows (like being able to drag a file from explorer onto the GP32 or from GP32->explorer)
Thanks for your responses, I'll try and add in as much as possible. At the moment, the program will be getting a Total Commander type of interface, as I use that program most of the day both at work and at home. I'm not sure the GP32 supports file renaming, so that may require a different PC Link on the GP32, but thinks like PDUID/SMCID retrieval are quite simple and will be added.

As for having the connection broken, that shouldn't really be a problem either as long as you have decent drivers (I find the ones from the '03 DDK to be the most reliable). Since the drivers are only 17Kb, I'll include them with the program just in case anyone has old drivers.
Well, Sorry, but I (like many other people I guess) regard Linux as a mainly server operating system and not an OS for the desktop, so having a port for Linux is between Slim and none.

You do have gplink, tho' :)
Errm... that does allow looking atm, but iirc transfers don't work yet. And it can be an arse to get the thing to install (I still haven't managed it!)
I never got GP32 NSE to let me drag files from the GP32 to other folders...
Here's a screenshot of how it's going at the moment. Comments and suggestions welcomed :)

NB: Parts of the screenshot are blurred for privacy reasons.

Excellent work Squidge, Thats the way its should be done. :)

Looks just like the file manager i use, Servant Salamander.

Squidge, I know it may be a cheek to ask, But if you plan to support it after the initial release, Would it be possible to have a button bank at the top or bottom of the screen for things like copy, Cut, Paste, Delete, Move etc.

Just a thought. :)

Any chance of a 'Send to' the GP32 type option on the windows Sent To menu.

You could use a temp store and task bar icon much like Palms HotSync?
I have some code for that somewhere if you use C# for the windows part.

Also, FXE's could be associated with the app so double clicking would add them to the temp store awaiting a sync.
Evil_Cartman posted on Dec 2 2003 at 02:47 PM said:
Need to be more compatible with windows (like being able to drag a file from explorer onto the GP32 or from GP32->explorer)
Get GP32 NSE.
I have it, and had no trouble getting it on mycomp, but when I got a SMC reader, the trouble was getting it off ;) It's still on my computer now :P
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