A calculator program?


Still Fresh
May 28, 2003
Palm Springs, CA
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Would any of you coders out there be bored enough to make a basic calculator program for GP32? It'd be nice to have, especially maybe if it gets more complex, (like emulating a TI-86, I'd save a good 80 bucks)

Why would it be illegal 2 emulate the hardware of a ti-86? No reason why only thing is thet you not allowd 2 give the bios away,
This is where extremegamer tells us he doesn't sin either :lol: I would love a calc proggie too...

my 2 cents
The hardware is legal, but I really dought that any advanced calc doesn't have any bios (which would be illegal, unless you wrote it yourself, and just making a prog for the GP32 would be just as easy) But someone is working on a calc program anyways, and he might add graphong, too...
There is a basic 4 function calculator with skins from the adic 2002? or 2003? competition. Just look around on gp32x.de in the forum or google it to find a link. Its pretty good. Might even have sin cos if I remember right.

Here it is...

its one of the utilities i think.

Have fun.

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Hi all,
Im working on a calc soft for GP32... :)
But its not going as fast as I wanted it to go 'coz of school & work. :(
I still have some problems using 'sprintf' function but everything else is working.
It will be RPN based with 8 level stack some maths function (exp, ln, log, SQRT....)
Maybe the v2.0 will be totally grafik with a graph plotter but that is not sure for now.... :unsure:
First of all I wanna make this fuc**n sprintf to work ---lol---
See you ;)
A calendar/todo list/calculator type multi-function proggy is on my list of things I want to create for the GP32, but I've not got any designs written down yet as to how it would work. Yes, I know the GP32 doesn't have a realtime clock, but that's not really a problem, as it's not meant to be a complete PDA feature, and it will not be getting anything like alarms or schedules.

My current project is still a PC Link replacement for both the PC and GP32.
Hey ExtremeGamer, I sure hope you don't plan on using any emulators at all for GP32, because that would be illegal.


And thanks everyone, I didn't know so many people already had one planned, looks like I'm not alone here. :D
really ExtremeGamer u dont want to break the LAW. that is bad. a lot of things are illegal but people still do them. what? u never sinned before? LIES now theres a SIN!

me? i never sinned.

thank god pooping on cop cars isnt illegal.............wait :huh: .........it is? :o awwww poop