GP32 Flash player?


Jan 22, 2003
Does anyone know if the GP32 Macromedia Flash player is still in the works?

I wish Macromedia would release the source publicly.. It probably would have been ported by now if that was the case :lol:
I think gamepark is making it and will release it on JoyGP for a price(probally won't be expensive, look at movie park for instance, $8).
Sounds good to me. I really hope this does happen.. I have so many flash movies I'd love to have on my GP32 :D
And what about the Flash Player?

Hopefully it will be released this year, maybe even before Q3 2003

That interview was from febuary 26 2003.:P
A flash player would be good, but a shockwave player would be better, especially as i could make some games then B) . how about using delphi to make applications for this beast? i suppose you would still have to use assembler or something. :blink:
Yeah, a shockwave/flash player would be cool. I'd so have an SMC full of HomestarRunner. And Tim Burton's Stainboy. And Happy Tree Friends. And Ninjai. And a bisquillion other things.

Yeah, SWF player. I'm liking that.