Macromedia Flash


Still Fresh
Jun 3, 2003
Would it be possible to produce a Macromedia Flash player for the GP32, or is the GP not powerful enough.
A Flash player would give us access to some great games, movies and app's.

Just think it wold be cool...
I think it would be possible, but dont macromedia own the rights to the flash
code so any port of the playwer would have to be coded by macromedia themselves.

I.E. - flash player isnt open source, but then again I know nothing about any of this
so it may be total twaddle
Im sure that Macromedia opened the source for flash (player only), Or there may be an unoffical player. There was talk, about someone producing one for the DC (but that was over a year ago)
it's a big amount of work to write a flash player from scratch. The file format is availble on the net, but modern swf files have support for mp3,adpcm,jpg,bmp and lots of other big work sub files. To display a flash animation on the gp32 is certainly a possiblity but it's a lot of work and it'll probably be v slow (esp if the anim uses mp3 and lots of alpha)
Is that an indication that you've looked into it in the past Zardoz. :D

well the reson i hope somthing similar is released is because i used to be a graphics designer. (im now a 2d 3d droughtsman using ACAD-2002 and 3D studio Max) Unfortunatly i can't code (i dout i will ever be able to :( ) yet i want to give something back to sceene. Hopfully there will be a user friendly game engine released (eventually), Like GameMaker or reality factory. Then we can make a own games. (IN ENGLISH :D )
yup :) I'm currently working on a flash loader/player - but not for playing anims - just for general frontend stuff - I love the idea that I can give a task to a artist and get a fully working frontend back without any coding intervention. Having said all this - the flash format is a pig! can you believe in the header it has the anim dimensions and it's compressed - huh thats madness (enuff of my whinging ).

YOU KNOW im really starting to like that ZardozJones guy...

-May the god of emulation (which im pritty sure is Forgotten(VBA) or Stef (gens) ;) ) Smile apon you and all your source code compile....(first time) :P
God are you there?
I have a problem and I need your help
1) What on earth has that got to do with Macromedia Flash?

2) Be patient and hope you'll be able to in the future; it'll happen eventually...
1) What on earth has that got to do with Macromedia Flash?

2) Be patient and hope you'll be able to in the future; it'll happen eventually...
God said that it's 90% full speed, but he doesn't release it for some reason and works on other projects instead.
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You know, maybe ZJ doesn't want to be asked questions about MD emulators when he's talking about Flash, I mean ... there are other threads for that.
yeh rico is right stop hassling the man, i mean you don't hassle a cook unless you want spit in it :D

so flash, hmmm Happy Tree Elves on the move :D
it was a good idea.. to free the hands of your artists 8)
In my case... they have pushed me to produce
an original cartoon maker with visual interface.

they hate to deal with maths... so.. now they deal with mouse 8)

anyways, using flash anims as a frontends of your products... is a great idea 8)