EB games


Oct 26, 2003
So i want a GP32 right? who here doesn't? So i go to EB games to see what they would give me for my GBA... and do you know what they told me? they would give 25 bucks for it. 37 with a game. I told the guy he was crazy and promptly left. I know, all's fair in love, war, and retail, but come ON! I guess ebay is where its at, or local classifieds.
What do you guys think, where will i get the best deal for my GBA?
well if its just the normal gba not the sp u were offered a good price if not in mint cond.u can buy a gba for 49.99 with a game new in da uk.
O, its is Mint BTW. sorry, forgot to mention that <_< I still have the box, i just never play with it.
Sorry mate thats what the shops offer you even on ebay you wouldnt get much more the old gameboy is shite
yeah well christmas is xcoming up and every1 wants games and gameboys so u cud get a good price no harm in trin i try sellin things high first and gradually drop the price to get the most money.
I bought it about a year ago, never played it either :) I would get a flash cart but for 50 dollars more i could get a gp32 :D .
ive got a gba sp but no gp32 i still reckonits best to keep the gba,i have a flash 2advance card but id rather get a game wallet,ythey use smc and can store more games,im gettin a gp32 soon aswell hopefully.
Stores will almost always give you less then you could potentionally get through personal contacts (EBAY, classifieds, etc.), mostly because a lot of them have a 50% markup even on used items.
ill sell my gba once a good carting game comes out on the gp. Mario kart is still king at the mo. does anyone cutesy karting game that was in development for the gp a while ago is gettin along or has it been scrapped?
you could use a snes emulator to run the mario kart,but ull have to "buy" the original cartridge,ive heard the snes emulators are quite slow at the moment but are getting closer to perfect.
you could use a snes emulator to run the mario kart,but ull have to "buy" the original cartridge,ive heard the snes emulators are quite slow at the moment but are getting closer to perfect.
Yeah, iv played the snes version but the gba version is still better imo. its also pretty slow too. not unplayable but id rather be playin some nes instead of slow snes.
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i was just looking around for game ports,then i read someones post saying it cant run .exes,so that means i cant play the .gba and .smc or can i ?can i only use the games that have been allredy ported? i noticed aswell in gp32 zine that they had reviews on gpengine games....so where can i get them from?
whoa, you're kidding right... You can play thousands upon thousands of games. You don't need to have .fxe ported games for the gp32. What you do need, however, are EMULATORS. An emulator is a piece of software that knows how to read and display you .pce, .gbc, .sms files. (there's many more but i'm doing it this way for impact.. :)

Go to the gp32x download website and have a look at the 'Emulators for the GP32' sub menu. In there you will find all kinds of Emulators for everything from Nintendo Entertainment System, Sega Mega System to Gameboy Colour and Commodore 64.

Most of these emulators require you to place its executable .fxe file onto the GP32 itself. They'll then read in any ROMS that you have on the GP32 so you can play them. Each emulator has its perks so make sure you read the help file included with the download so you know where to put stuff.

Did this make any sence..???

Enjoy your new found gaming.. :P
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Thanx that was real helpfull,yet another reason to get the gp32.You mentioned about the gp32 not being able to run executble (.exe) files, so what are the lucas art games ?