Is there an emu for turbo gfx? Maybe im missing something, cause i remember reading something about Turbo Gfx but i get no results when i search. The graphics are so good, so i dont have any idea if the gp32 can emulate this or not lol :lol:
if you've never played any of the turbografx/pce games before, get a copy of magic engine (emulator for windows) and some roms and try them out. there's a bunch of recommendations of games in the GPEngine topic for what to check out.. always a good idea to try before you buy.
i don't get it... first i read pce and turbografx are the same, then i read somewhere else the Turbografx is an upgraded pcengine, and now you guys are saying its the same system?
The PC Engine and the TurboGrafx-16 are essentially the same, although the TG-16 had slight changes made to it.
But there are loads of different versions of this console, check out for a list, and check out the rest of the site in general as it's an excellent site for pce info.
Yes, i tried playing PCengine games on my pc (hugo?) Very nice GREAT graphix all around. Did someone say this console is 8-bit? looks like premo 16bit to me.
Yes, i tried playing PCengine games on my pc (hugo?) Very nice GREAT graphix all around. Did someone say this console is 8-bit? looks like premo 16bit to me.
PC Engine is the Japanese version of the American Turbo Grafix, its the same system. The Turbo Duo is the upgraded version. The Turbo Duo was the cd system and turbo chip system combined into one.