A nice Turbografx/PC Engine site

Thanks. That site is really useful as there isnt too much about the PCengine around. I still thinks its funny how many Shootemups there are for it though??
I personally like shoot-em-ups. They are great for that quick go on the GP32 - and with an excellent emulator such as GPEngine this is as good as it gets!
Even though some other games are also great on that system, such as Adventure Island II and Son Son II. But you are right - the PC Engine is the home of shmups.
tons of great shooters for Genesis as well. Unfort. most of them don't run on the currently vailable emulator, but hopefully in the future.

Musha, gaiares, thunderforce, whiprush, gley lancer, slap fight, eliminate down (for starters)

on NES you should check out Crisis Force, that game is pretty neat
ralp99 - thanks for the info.
I have checked Crisis Force - it is an amazing feat for the NES. Excellent game, graphics and pace. I heard it was done with some special chips added to the cart. And Little John emulates it nicely.
Even though this is out of the GPEngine topic I checked some other NES shooters and here is a list worth checking: Zanac, Gun Nac, Summer Carnival '92 - Recca and Lifeforce.