Entware Spammers!


Still Fresh
Mar 23, 2003
I just got a spam from Entware asking me if I knew about gp32 and telling me to buy one.
Anyone else got this ? As a gp32 owner its a badly targetted spam. I may have regisetred on their site for something gp32 specific, but surely that means I already have a gp32!??!

yeah, i got this too...i thought it was very odd considering they must've got my address from their site which means i would already have a GP32 to even register on their site in the first place, so why tell me about it and ask me to buy one??

very bizarre :P
Me too. ;)
It can't be from entware, since I already bought software from them (would be stupid to write this to registered customers) and the mail was sent from kmk5776@hotmail.com, which pretty much sounds like a spammer.

Looks like we have a GP32 fanatic worried about the success since the Euro release has been delayed until 2004 and now wants to advertise it...
Not very nice to spam this, though...
If it is a spammer, then where did he get our emails from? or is it just a co-inky-dink that us GP32s received the emails?
I got it too :) I just responded

Yes I do know GP32 :) I even had one imported, so you can SHUT UP if you want.
responding to spam mail? that's a BAD idea. that just confirms that your account is real, so they'll be sending even more spam. i'm really sure it's not entware that's behind this one.