Celebrating My Gp2x!!


darkman unmasked!
Aug 16, 2005
Kentucky, USA
I ordered my GP2X so that it would arrive at the beginning of the USA 4th of July Holiday. I took the whole week off so that I could spend time diving into this little jewel. I have spent hours playing games and I mean it has been long hours. The game playing has grown from the beginning with drooling into a foaming around the mouth madness.

I really think that the GP2X has created a biasness and a prejudice in me toward other portable gaming systems. It has changed my expectations in handheld gaming. It has become an addictive habit. I now prefer it over anything else. I have had the GP2X for more than a week now, having announced it on page 28 of the “I just got my GP2X” thread. I said it was “AWESOME!” I, at this moment, feel that word does not even come close to describing my impression of this little system. Is this normal? I have such an excitement over this system. I use to want to pinch pennies and save to buy my next game. Now I want to pinch pennies and save for a big SD card. I love this GP2X! (Not as much as I love my wife.) I love the old 2D gaming and “lets see how many points I can get” game playing experience. (I still love my GP32 BLU also) This thing is great!

It seems, from all of the threads I have read on this site, that there are really two experiences that people are having:
1. One is the person that buys the unit and are totally in the dark and have no idea what they have in their hands. They have a bad experience, which starts with screaming and cussing everyone in this forum. They are used to just sticking in a CD or a cart and it works. Some of these people (not all) are those who have no idea what retro gaming is and are looking for that 3D thrill. Nothing wrong with looking for that if that is your gaming love, you just looked in the wrong place.
2. The other person is the one who spends time searching out and reading a lot of threads knowing what they are getting a hold of when they receive their unit. They have a good experience. They become elated and run out to their car, standing on top of it, they scream at the neighborhood “SEGA.” (Am I the only one who did this?) Any problems they have is usually hardware orientated. They are pleasant to deal with in a thread.

The ones responsible for making this such a great system are the programmers that slave in their spare time over keyboards to bring homebrew and emulators to life on this portable. If it wasn't for them, this thing would be a brick. Yeah I guess there is one commercial game out for it, but from the commercial world there is really no support.

This system has not been out for a year yet and already it shows promise that there are going to be great things happening as people get a “handle” on programming for it. There are some very talented people working with the GP2X.

I am celebrating my GP2X with much satisfaction and happiness!! My greatest thrill in gaming! AWESOME? You betcha it is!! :D
I share much of your excitement :D When I first got my GP2X I was a little fearful from reading some comments regarding build quality and system instability, but after playing OpenTTD for a whole afternoon and only seeing it crash twice, I was sure that this is the portable gaming experience I was waiting for ever since I got my Game Boy almost 10 years ago.

It seems to me there are two kinds of people. Those who will enjoy the GP2X no matter what, and those who'll cuss at it for whatever reason they can come up with. Well, I'm proud to be in the first group :)
I don't have one, but I'm proud to be in the first group too.
Yes, I share your enthusiasm, it just gets better, I bought it for Amiga & c64, but have been trying other emus and Im most impressed with the Neo geo emu and its games, fantastic.

I do believe a Gp2x is not for everyone and when showing people it although they are amazed I try to put them in the picture that its not a PSP and a bit more work is involved, as usual its the geeker types from the olde skool areas that are more than impressed and want one right away.

Lets hope the development continues for a long time on this machine but if not we certanily wont be stuck for games, thats for sure.

Yeah the GP2X is awesome! The great thing about it is that there are so many possibilities with this system. Out of all the handhelds I own (PSP, DS, GBA, GP2X) this is by far my favorite, because with all the others I feel too confined with their strict rules of what I can and can't do. While the others are saying, "You must play our games only! No homebrew! Nothing but our games!" the GP2X says, "Go ahead do what you want, I don't care!".
Now let's just wait for the few compos to end and see if that will pitch our enthusiasm to levels we didn't even know existed. Cause that's what I expect after seeing a few teasers... Holy moly, only the 3d projects some devs are working on make me drool already, and that screenshot that daid has in his sig... also that stargazer game... ARGH! Instant heart attack... I can hardly wait.
well after reading that review of the gp2x you have convinced me to go out and buy it
all i can say is 'i cant wait'!!!
:) Now I remind how it was amazing when I first got this beauty :D

- Portable Sega?!! Moving theater? I can play mario on the road!!!

Welcome to the scene
elvgren posted on Jul 9 2006 at 03:24 PM said:
Yes, I share your enthusiasm, it just gets better, I bought it for Amiga & c64, but have been trying other emus and Im most impressed with the Neo geo emu and its games, fantastic.

I do believe a Gp2x is not for everyone and when showing people it although they are amazed I try to put them in the picture that its not a PSP and a bit more work is involved, as usual its the geeker types from the olde skool areas that are more than impressed and want one right away.

Lets hope the development continues for a long time on this machine but if not we certanily wont be stuck for games, thats for sure.


I am totally blown away by the Neo Geo emu! I am playing all my favorites. I have went through Blazing Star several times in the last few days. (someone has to protect our corn crops from all those circles) I am playing Neo Geo non-stop ejecting batteries like 50 caliber shells. Neo Geo is how I have filled up my 1 gig card so fast. Perfect Bust-a-move 2!! King of Fighting!! Last Blade 2!! The fun never stops!!
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darkman posted on Jul 9 2006 at 09:19 PM said:
elvgren posted on Jul 9 2006 at 03:24 PM said:
Yes, I share your enthusiasm, it just gets better, I bought it for Amiga & c64, but have been trying other emus and Im most impressed with the Neo geo emu and its games, fantastic.

I do believe a Gp2x is not for everyone and when showing people it although they are amazed I try to put them in the picture that its not a PSP and a bit more work is involved, as usual its the geeker types from the olde skool areas that are more than impressed and want one right away.

Lets hope the development continues for a long time on this machine but if not we certanily wont be stuck for games, thats for sure.


I am totally blown away by the Neo Geo emu! I am playing all my favorites. I have went through Blazing Star several times in the last few days. (someone has to protect our corn crops from all those circles) I am playing Neo Geo non-stop ejecting batteries like 50 caliber shells. Neo Geo is how I have filled up my 1 gig card so fast. Perfect Bust-a-move 2!! King of Fighting!! Last Blade 2!! The fun never stops!!

Don't forgot Metal Slug! ;)
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So, I guess that you're still "a little" happy with your purchase huh? :lol:

I can only say that the only other time that I have enjoyed myself so much with a system, was back when I bought my Amiga 2000, those were the days of fun, nice, simple, small games, coding things the rough way, and so on :) ... The GP2X manages to bring me back into that scene feeling that I had with the Amiga, it is a machine for a certain kind of people, most people won't know what I'm talking about, most people never had an Amiga ( or an Atari ST )... Those were the days, and now those days are back B)

Anyway, I'm glad that you're glad, and I'm glad to see that most people are glad with their purchase too :lol:
X-Code posted on Jul 10 2006 at 09:10 AM said:
most people won't know what I'm talking about, most people never had an Amiga ( or an Atari ST )... Those were the days, and now those days are back B)

Yes, I now exactly, those were the days.

In another life I was the Amigas greatest fan and I can still be seen active in forums for the Amiga, and although not just GP2X related I find it strange that I can emulate an Amiga on a handheld as well as on my PC that in specs is actually better than I used to own in real Amiga hardware. Im talking about when 32mb memory was maybe £5000.

Emulation, great huh?

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Indeed, emulation on this little device is pretty incredible at all levels, after all, it's only a handheld :)... This little machine is making me quite happy, just the thought of making games for it get's me all excited :lol:

T.I.M. -The Imploding Mutant... I wonder how I'll make it :blink:
darkman posted on Jul 9 2006 at 09:19 PM said:
I am totally blown away by the Neo Geo emu! I am playing all my favorites. I have went through Blazing Star several times in the last few days. (someone has to protect our corn crops from all those circles) I am playing Neo Geo non-stop ejecting batteries like 50 caliber shells. Neo Geo is how I have filled up my 1 gig card so fast. Perfect Bust-a-move 2!! King of Fighting!! Last Blade 2!! The fun never stops!!

At least I am not alone! I went through 12 batteries in two days so I was forced to buy the rechargable NIMH batteries :) They work really well. Lots of money saved in the long run I hope!
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Still haven't bought a GP2X, but I know that feeling; I had it when I figured out :rolleyes: how to use my GP32! Then I went straight from group #1 to group #2 and I'm really glad I did; looking back, I now understand how much I've learnt from using (mainly figuring out how to use) my GP32 and reading posts in this forum... :)