Clrmame Question.......


Apr 4, 2006
Does anyone have a simple guide that I can follow with the latest version of clrmamepro to convert roms to 0.34?
Becasue I found this on google but I get lost in about the 4th or 5th step I think its talkin about a older version of clrmame.

The following steps should work, but have not been tested, they have been adapted from
1. Install ClrMamePro
2. Create an empty folder (this will be the directory where your MAME GP2X ROMs will be in the end)
3. Open ClrMamePro
4. Add the datfile (clrmame.dat) from MAME GP2X. Then select LOAD / UPDATE.
5. Settings: Just change the ROM path to the created empty folder from step #2. It will moan that no sets are found there, which is okay (as we don't have any ROM sets in there yet)
6. Select "Scanner". You don't need to change any settings, just be sure "Split Sets" is selected. Press the "Scan" button.
7. It should scan fast, as the ROMs folder is empty See the "Scan Results" window? Leave it open!
8. Now use the Windows Explorer to open the folder where your MAME ROMs reside. Select ALL zips and drag them into the Scan Results window. ClrMamePro will now begin rebuilding 0.34 sets in the empty folder.
9. After it's finished, your MAME GP2X-ready ROMs are in the folder created at step #2.
If you want to add new ROMs later, do "Scan" again and drag the new roms into the Scan Results window.
Step 1: Download Utorrent
Step 2: Search for a 0.34 romset .torrent for GP2X
Step 3: Thank your lucky stars there's someone like me in the universe ;)
If you search for 'gp2x' in eMule, there's the full set. A day's download, at most.

You own all the arcade machines in the 0.34 romset like most everyone else on these forums right? I know ste and I do
greenmikey posted on Jul 7 2006 at 10:55 PM said:
If you search for 'gp2x' in eMule, there's the full set. A day's download, at most.

You own all the arcade machines in the 0.34 romset like most everyone else on these forums right? I know ste and I do

Of course! ;)
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TelcoLou posted on Jul 7 2006 at 08:23 PM said:
Step 1: Download Utorrent
Step 2: Search for a 0.34 romset .torrent for GP2X
Step 3: Thank your lucky stars there's someone like me in the universe ;)

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