fav gb(c) games....

Sep 7, 2003
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Since we now have two amazing GB© emulators for our lovely gp32's, i thought i would get some more games. Has anybody got any suggestions? Basically, what is your favourite GB game??

edit: now that is weird. I never knew that a "C" in brackets would automatically turn into a copyright symbol. The things you never knew.....
I think the Zelda games go without saying, others I like are Kirby's Pinball, Mario games, Tetris DX, Boxxle and I've recently got into Mario Tennis.

Super gameboy wars > advance wars one a lot harder :D
R-type > Not as good as the PcEngine one but still pretty good
Skate or Die > I love this one :D
Harry potter (1&2) > The pc verison sucks but the GB© version is pretty good.
Thought I would mention some of the not-so-obvious ones which I think are great so here goes:

Mario Picross
Mr Driller
Bomb Jack
Super Mario Land 2 - Six Golden Coins (the best game ever! and the only GB game I have ever stuck with and completed)
Tetris DX
Mario Golf
Game & Watch Gallery 2 :D

Btw dolfhin how can you say the PC game of Harry Potter sucks, it's ace! And based on the Unreal engine too!
mario tennis... although haven't checked to see if it works with the new emu..
Kirby pinball land
Tetris DX
Pokemon Puzzle League
Motocross Maniacs (I think it was called this.. by Konami.. like a cross between Excitebike and Kickstart for the C64/Spectrum)
Metal Gear Solid
Cannon Fodder (the GBC version was really, really good... the gfx were toned down a bit but the gameplay is all there. As with the levels from Cannon Fodder 1 and 2!!)
International Karate (great remake of the C64 game)
David O Leary's Total Soccer 2000 (if you want sensible soccer- this is the closest thing you'll get at the moment)
Dropzone (another archer maclean remake)
Jimmy White's Snooker (or Cueball... can't remember what it was called. But a good overhead snooker sim.)

There were also lots of great GB mono games released, some good arcade conversions like Elevator Action, Gauntlet 2, Marble Madness....

Hopefully save works for Monkey Puncher... the thought of Monkey's boxing the living daylights out of each other sounds like a lot of fun!!!

It's also good that ZIP support is in place for the new emu, some of the GBC rom sizes are pretty big after decompression.... especially when compared to their NES counterparts!!!!
I have to agree with taras about the Super Mario Land 2- Six Golden Coins- That is about the only game I have ever beaten on GameBoy.
Dance Dance Revolution!
Dragon Warrior sagas!
Dragon Ball Z!
Street Figther Alfha!
Bionic Commando - Elite Forces
(also there's an older mono game, which is close to the NES version)

the mega man games are like remixes of the NES originals as well, if I remember correctly.

Dragon's Lair - based on the arcade (really!) - look at this one!

Donkey Kong GB - after you pass the 3 or 4 levels based on the original arcade, the "real" game begins.. another nice one.

Perfect Dark - similar to Metal Gear - can't get mine to load though (well, it loads but then crashes)

All the Game + Watch galleries are fun, if you like that kind of thing.

the old Tennis game is STILL very addictive!
and of course Tetris, the original B/W is still my favorite. It would be amazing (unbelievable) to get internet play with this! I'd be shocked.

Klustar - another dumb, simple, very addictive (puzzle) game, you must try it!

Konami made original Contra, Castlevania, Gradius games for the system too.

Ms Pacman has a bonus game included, the original arcade "super pacman"

RTS fans should check out "Warlocked," that's supposed to be pretty good. there's even a couple of conversions of Heroes of Might and Magic which is a bit long on gfx but also very faithful, considering.

Project S-11 is the last vertical shooter made for the system.
I was really looking forward to playing GTA 1 and 2 gb versions but they turned out to be a big disappointment. Havent played Metal Gear on GB.... is it any good?
I can't imagine why no one has mentioned it yet - Pokemon (Yellow is my fave)

Pokemon Pinball is good too.
Sensible Software's amazing Cannon Fodder conversion is well worth another mention.
Donkey Kong Country (still a bit slow on SNES)
Metroid games are not too bad.
Star Wars Ep.1 Racer (with FMV!)
The best RPGs (IMO):

Dragon Warrior I&II (1 cartridge)
Dragon Warrior III

the graphics are much nicer than the NES versions.

Any Mario/Wario game is good for platform action.

As for battle-racing, Wacky Races is a good title, but it pushes the GBC to the limits & may not work on the emu... who knows...
As for battle-racing, Wacky Races is a good title, but it pushes the GBC to the limits & may not work on the emu... who knows...
It does work in fgb32. I have it at frameskip 2 and it seems full speed to me. Doesnt work in gpvgb tho.
i cant believe no ones mentioned

snoopy tennis -c
Mario DX -c
Dynablaster/Atomic punk/Bomberman
solomons club
puzzleboy 1+2 (forgot english name of this one)

currently playing
Zelda oracle of ages