I See Girls...........


Still Fresh
May 9, 2006
Hitchin, England
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Well actually, I don't.

Whilst it doesn't really matter, I get the impression that there are virtually no women (with the exception of WarmFluffyUK) on these forums.

I wonder why??
There are probably more girls on here than is made apparant. I suspect the forum is about 80% male, 15% female and 5% mixed.

Shikaku said:
I'm a girl
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Both of which are gone now. She is the only one left!
We must be doing something right! :rolleyes:

- Alex

True - Can you imagine it.............

"Can anyone tell me where I can get a rom for Barbie's Horse Trials"

"I bought a GP2X but I can't get any TV channels on it - where do I plug in the ariel"

"I've got the Kenwood CH180 multi purpose food mixer - how do you run Mame on it?"

"In retrospect, GP2X SUCKS compared to the GP32 - When you create something, it's from your own mind, not someone else's in the past"
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You guys are just dying to get me annoyed aren't you, sorry I ain't biting :P .

When I started this I was thinking it's a shame that there are not more women on here - far to much tech and testoserone. But I guess it was bound to become a little sexist and as I started it I apologise.

PS - My ex did actually own Barbie Horse Trials for the PSX!!
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You guys are just dying to get me annoyed aren't you, sorry I ain't biting :P .

When I started this I was thinking it's a shame that there are not more women on here - far to much tech and testoserone. But I guess it was bound to become a little sexist and as I started it I apologise.

PS - My ex did actually own Barbie Horse Trials for the PSX!!

Nothing wrong with Barbie in my books, but even I have grown out of that sort of thing. As you all should know my top two games of all time are Doom and Spyro the dragon! I wonder what a psychologist would say to that :D .

I agree though that there should be more women on these boards as I feel a little in the minority. I do ignore some of the threads here for obvious reasons but I like the general mood. You guys are usually a good laugh :) .

Keep up the good humour!!!!
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Reminds of this muslim girl in class, I show of doom and quake on my handheld and she's like "omg, I love doom", takes it and starts playing throught the first levels without even knowing the controls on it.
Reminds of this muslim girl in class, I show of doom and quake on my handheld and she's like "omg, I love doom", takes it and starts playing throught the first levels without even knowing the controls on it.

I think Doom had something special, it was scary, truly scary. Well it was scary for me anyway. It was really the first game I played on the PC that had stereo sound, basic lighting and Evil, all in one game. And it was 3D too!!

You know I still don't think any variants of Quake, Heretic, Hexen etc have the scare factor of the original Doom. I love horror films, me and my sister used to sneak out of bed to watch Hammer house of Horror films while our parents were running the pub downstairs, so I am very used to being scared. The ONLY other game to scare the life out of me is Project Zero on the PS2.

One of the guys at work said that F.E.A.R is scary, so I bought that. I haven't completed it yet, but it's not scary and it relies too much on shooting people for my liking. Doom was ok as you ware usually against hell and Project Zero was amazing, the only weapon at your disposal was a camera, you killed ghosts by capturing their life force in the lens. Fantastic idea.

I guess what I am saying is, I don't really like modern 3D FPS games. Too many weapons, too realistic and no atmosphere compared to Doom. I bought a new graphics card and it came with Call of Duty 2. Er definitely not my thing. I played it for 30 mins to experience the awesome graphics but was bored to tears. And way too many keys to remember too, and I'm sorry but having someone scream and act like that when you shoot them is freaky. No thanks.

My gawd, I have gone off on a tangent again....
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One of the guys at work said that F.E.A.R is scary, so I bought that. I haven't completed it yet, but it's not scary and it relies too much on shooting people for my liking.
How far have you got?
I only finished it last week, but thought it was the first game to be truly like a real horror movie (well.... Doom 3 was like a really bad horror movie).

The use of peripheral action and sudden visions was excellent.

I wouldn't say "scary", more nerve-wracking (there's one scene where you climb down a ladder - you'll know it if you've got there).

But the ending is pretty scary.

I also think FEAR handled the darkness amazingly well. Doom 3 relied on everything being too dark to see so you couldn't make out zombies until they were almost on you - FEAR starts in the morning in bright light and slowly gets darker throughout the levels, until you're trapped in a kind of nuclear bunker/testing facility without lights.

In short: Give it time
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Hm, couldn't find Doom really scary, I played it more for it's 'bad ass' factor.
Loved going in a room filled with monsters and start shooting 'm up all at once. Reason I like Duke too. :P

Personally, I found Alone in the Dark IV pretty scary (I was 12 though), being your weapon was a flashlight... (as a girl, gun as the guy)
One of the guys at work said that F.E.A.R is scary, so I bought that. I haven't completed it yet, but it's not scary and it relies too much on shooting people for my liking.
How far have you got?
I only finished it last week, but thought it was the first game to be truly like a real horror movie (well.... Doom 3 was like a really bad horror movie).

The use of peripheral action and sudden visions was excellent.

I wouldn't say "scary", more nerve-wracking (there's one scene where you climb down a ladder - you'll know it if you've got there).

But the ending is pretty scary.

I also think FEAR handled the darkness amazingly well. Doom 3 relied on everything being too dark to see so you couldn't make out zombies until they were almost on you - FEAR starts in the morning in bright light and slowly gets darker throughout the levels, until you're trapped in a kind of nuclear bunker/testing facility without lights.

In short: Give it time

Not exactly sure how far I have gotten yet. I have just come across that silly fat guy who eats crisps and he is laying outside a huge door and he's injured. Is that far ?

I still think Project Zero is scarier. But you're right about the lighting, I love the shadow effects.
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