GP2X Tv On The Gp2x


Active Member
Jun 13, 2006
London, England
Would this be possible to do on a GP2X? how many linux based USB TV sticks are there to take advantage off?? I dont really know to be honest, but in theory it should be workable no? EXT to USB or even the USB BoB would the tv tuner drain the batteries of the GP2X by alot? I would assume it would be the same as just watching normal video on the device?

EDIT: Ok apparently the Freecom USB TV stick works under Linux as well!

This also looks promising

Apparently draws very little power...
From a programmers perspective how hard do you think it would be to port a USB TV stick drivers or optimize it for the GP2X even if there are Linux drivers for it already? Im thinking of doing this when I get my GP2X but don't have much knowledge about Linux stuff atm.

Seriously though, Digital TV on a GP2X just from a mini USB TV stick would be too good would make travelling about on the tube interesting lol imagine getting FreeView on your GP2X!
drivers should be pretty straight forward, no idear what application to use for viewing through, maybe the opie camera support can be used?
well TVTime would work for this because of it's GUI, well on the pc right click with mouse brings up menu scroll through it and left click to open an item and right click also exits the menu / goes back