extracting files in rott

1. Warezing is bad. Don't do it :)

2. Please learn how to spell.

3. What have you downloaded it as? .ISO? .RAR?

EDIT: 4. And what are you actually trying to do, get the game running on your PC or getting the levels for the GP32 version?
He probably downloaded the floppy version from you-know-where. It'll give some type of illegal operation if installed using a Windows version of DOS, I think.

And what's so much worse about warezing ROTT? It's an old, old game and we already know many people here warez all kinds of console games for the GP32 emulators. Is it that people would rather warez from Japanese companies then warez from American companies, or that it's slightly easier to construct a warez distribution of ROTT?
If you are getting the Runtime Error 200 when you try to run the install file, you need to run a program called TP7P5FIX.COM. The error occurs because this game was made to run on a 486, and just can't handle faster processors. You can download the file here.

All I did was open up a command prompt, run the fix, and then run install.exe, and I didn't get the error anymore. Hope this helps, otherwise, just find an old computer to get the files from.

Swiss_Cheeseman posted on Sep 30 2003 at 12:53 AM said:
Mods, please delete this topic.

@Swiss_Cheeseman: Also don't forget to delete all your illegally downloaded SMS roms.
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Master System ROMs were never sold legally, to my knowledge. Master System Catridges are indeed still being sold. I can go down to my local Funcoland and pick up an old Master System cartridge. There's also some other stores near me which still carry them...and some of them aren't even used! However, I live in the center of a suburbian hub, so I have a choice selection of stores.

No one has posted anything "directly illegal" on this thread. No one has said it was illegal, either - remember the "don't ask, don't tell" policy. The only link was to a very legal program which simply slows down your computer so you won't face a timing bug with old programs, especially those compiled with the old Borland C++ compiler.
Drop the shit, this forum doesn't need flaming. But I don't understand what johnnyskullhead is trying to do, upgrade his GP32 rott or play it on XP.. You say it's a rar, so download winrar and unzip it. Then you either have an install file as an executable (something like install.exe) or you have the actual game.
what is the problem here with saying where the registered versions of the files are ?

i don't think i should get hassle for asking the following :

can someone give me a link to the registered rott files for gp32 please so i can play the port

this is because :

i) 3d realms have made the source code available
ii) ive downloaded pc/unix etc shareware/registered builds which are very publically and proudly displayed elsewhere

i think people need to chill out a little (get out more ?) regarding copyright. look at it another way : person at 3d realms-oh no, they've ported rott to the gp32. other person at 3d realms - oh no, why else would we have given the source code away ?

bring on duke nukem !

p.s am serious about the link to the files. just where the fuck are they !? this is hardly the same as asking about warez but i'm sure some sanctimonious pipsqueak may disagree....
Duke Nukem 3ds source is released

As are the following:

Quake 2
Hexen 2
Wolf 3d
Freespace 2

And many more...

Want to know what I can still buy at local/online Video Game shops?

Quake 2
Hexen 2
Wolf 3d
Freespace 2

ROTT may not be for sale AT THE MOMENT, but that doesnt mean it is abandoned. 3D Realms has stated that they will start selling a new ROTT CD online, so there is no excuse.

The reason why they LICENSED the source code under the GPL (not giving it away as you ignorantly put it), is so people can learn from the code, and share what they have learnt with other programmers.

I can understand stuff like System Shock 2 being given away for free at, say, www.the-underdogs.org, why? Because the company that made and distributed it no longer exists. Noone supports it, noone sells it. A quick check to www.3drealms.com will confirm that the guys who made ROTT most definately exist.

If you think its fine and dandy to download the registered version of ROTT, post it in their forums. See if you get a nice happy response from Joe3DR saying where to get them from, I'm sure they wouldnt mind at all!
The reason why they LICENSED the source code under the GPL (not giving it away as you ignorantly put it), is so people can learn from the code, and share what they have learnt with other programmers.

oh really !?

now what fantasy world do you live in ?

they are a company, in competition - why help the opposition ? now read on.

source codes are available for one reason only :

to remind their old users/customers that yes they still exist, wasn't that game you bought from us good and now here's the website so you can have a look at what we're up to

that's it

the best use of any artists 'old' material is to have it as widespread as possible, thus encouraging purchase of new material

read that last sentence again and again and again

i am sure the directors of the company are very pleased there is a port of the game on the gp32 - if i get into some old game like this which i *would never consider buying 10 years later* - then maybe i'd buy the swanky new follow-up or some similar game, by said company
It is obvious that you do not know what the GPL is about, and what its limits are.

The GPL is there to protect the programmers rights, they still "own" the code, it doesnt go into the public domain. People are free to learn from the code. Not companies, what kind of company would want to have a look at a game that old?

But you see, the actual license of the binary executables is not in question, the data files that accompany the executables are. The data files have not been released to the public, they are still under the original ROTT license, which means that you cannot distribute it.

You are right, the best use of any artists 'old' material is to have it as widespread as possible, but the artist still has rights on how the material is used.

They are pleased with the port, I posted about the port on the board and Joe3DR was impressed. That was before the binaries were released. However, I am sure that they would not be pleased that you would be obtaining a game that is still supported illegally.

Do what I said before, ask for a free copy on their forums. It is only then I will beleive you. Until that happens, you are just another fucking senseless bullshit vomiting moron that is going to get struck by a banhammer.