Wanted: M3/supercard Type Thing


Is that a Caanoo in your pocket or are you just ha
Apr 27, 2005
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I'm looking for a M3 Perfect/Supercard type thing for my DS, and wondered if anyone here had one they wanted to sell.

Preferably UK, but it's quite small so postage/customs from any other country would still be quite cheap.

Thanks alot.
seriously now, you wont get cheaper than ww.bamboogaming.com. 36 quid for a supercard sd and a superpass shipped to the uk. I dont mind flashing your ds for you, then all youll need is the supercard. Check them out.
Quick question, can you use the SuperKey now to play NDS games on your Lite, without needing a flash or SuperPass 2?
Cheers for the tip loz mate.

So, I'm interested in this. Any idea how much customs will cost, and loz, know how much shipping will be?

Thanks in advance.

EDIT: Hmm, if i get this, I have to buy new cards, however if i get the sd one (for which i already have cards for) i have about an inch jutting out from the bottom of the ds.
Great, I emailed them and they replied telling me that they mark as gifts. Useful.

Woo. Thanks for teh link loz.
Bought it just now, an Idea how long it'll take to get here?
Wow! Loz, did it really take 7-14 days to get there?
Found a good source in the UK


The guy who runs this site (GlenCook) frequents the DigitalForums

From the user reviews and comments in threads he has a excellent service I'll be placing my order on Monday and Ill drop a post once I recieve it
Fuck, it's cheap an' all. Still awaiting my supercard...

Just got it yesterday excellent service

shame theyre out of stock atm

Anime on the DS lite screen looks so cool nice and bright

you should see these new fangled micro sd they are tiiiinnyyy smaller than my baby toe fingernail

bloody easy to lose aswell