Which Sd Card Shoud I Go For?

Ok so I've found these two cards this Kingston one andthis Viking one they are the same price only the Viking one I'm going to have to wait for a week untill it gets in stock (but that doesent really bother me I can wait). Which is the better make?
Thanks for any help in advance.
most people will tell you to search the forums, http://wiki.gp2x.org/wiki/SD_card_compatibility is a good resource on whats a good card, I personally use the pny 2gig card it was about 80 bucks canadian and works like a charm. If the cards not on the list the only way you can tell is by trying it out.
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I ve got 2 gb Kingston, got no problem with it (why would I?)
btw I have got to Transcent 1 gb (45xspeed) and 1 gb Platinium (Toshiba)
TwinMOS and Transcend are both excellent brands and both work great with the GP2X.
when you say works, do you mean you succesfully FLASHED your gp with it?

i don't suggest kingston for example, i bought a 1G kingston(toshiba made) to unbrick my gp and i'm still in the shit :P
I just bought three SanDisk SD cards. $30 off Amazon, one for movies, one for games and apps and one for music.