Learning French

What a coincidence, I have my verbal exam of French tomorrow and my French exam next monday. I'm quite dead, you see, with the things I messed for French this might very well be the class that could make me redo a year. (I've been following French for the past 6 too)

Well, au revoir. :)

Bonne chance?

Merci. :)
Went quite well, I even passed. Albeit I have another verbal one tomorrow and the real french exam this monday. :(
P.S. results of my french pre-exam: 13/40% (That's 40 out of the 100% of my full exam) :(

Le monde entier n'est pas suffit pour tu.
- The whole world (correct...?) is not enough for you.
Je t'aime avec tout mon coeur.
- I love you with all of my heart.
T u es l'une pour moi et la lumiere dans ma vie.
- You are the one for me and the light in my life.
Tu es la fille de mes reves.
- You are the girl of my dreams.
J'aime le francais!
- I love (the) french!

well done.

It is just " i love french"

I wish i could speak fluent french, but im only in year 10 yaya. Hopefull i will by the end of A-lvl. Is that possible?
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With full attention, when we finish our 12th year, we would be supposed to be fluent in speaking French. But I've been having French classes since our 5th grade (Belgium is bilangual, both French and Dutch) and my French is still very basic. Having a hard time remembering all the verbs, not to mention all the times. (so many different forms for past and future times)
I'm also in my 10th year btw. :D
1 word:


Audio help, good to get you started.

I haven´t tried the French Pimsleur, but the German one isn´t good...

I have been using software from a company called Digital Publishing to learn German, anit´s really good. Dunno if they make a french version...
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If I may, as Im french:

Find a french girl, make her your girlfriend...
You might learn things better than just 'French'
Learning a foreign language is something great...
(trust me, i'm learning japanese and english at university, with some skills in german and czech)
It will take time, but you will be really happy when you will be able to talk ;)
If you want to pratice your french I'm OK to help you ;)

Good luck, you will REALLY need that ;)

see you :lol:

Recently decided that a second language would probably do my degree the world of good.

Seeing as I did french all throughout school I thought it would be a good idea to pick it up again and see if I could learn it comprehensively.

However I need to know where to start, I can't really afford tutors/night classes and I don't really want to fill my car stereo with french people ordering coffee and talking about the weather, so can anyone recommend any good books or any other method?

French for Dummies might be a good idea to check out.
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