

Dec 22, 2002
Yeah, it already has been discussed a thousand times and more - where stays Fday?
I few minutes ago i thought "I should get my GP out of the drawer again - but what will i put on it ? The GB emu definitely, but something was there that was very disturbing - right! The config saving. (And savestates IIRC).
I dont think that that the complete fday will ever come, since almost everybody has a Gp2x, or another commercial handheld.
But cant somebody who knows him a bit better than me contact Ryleh to complete the above mentioned save features and release the most importand emu like Fgb32? Or usually he can give the source free and someone else can make it?

If this would happen, it would ban my NDS atleast for a few Days into the endless darkness of my drawer.

Greetings DRK
The config only takes a few seconds to set up unless you need some seriously weird settings?

Also IIRC the savestates were only an issue if you changed the GB games on your card. So if you pick some games and stick to them there should be no problem.

Finally if the GP2X Fday is released so should the GP32 version as they both use Rlyeh's custom HPL.

whatever Ryleh is upto i wish him the best of luck :)

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Well, Rlyeh is only in a coding mood for a few months in a year, which is why his stuff takes a while.

At the moment, he's porting everything over to his HPL library.
Once he's got everything working (and fixed the last bugs in the HPL Library), you'll have releases of all his stuff for the PC, gp2x, DC and GP32 at the same time, as his library compiles the exact same sourcecode into different systems binaries :)
The GP32 is a goldmine as is, the fDay will be a bonus I'm happy to patiently wait for :)

- Alex
Rlyeh has said that 'fDay' is really gp32 only, and his emu's are now multi platform using HPL, so don't wait for fDay - it'll never happen. Wait for 'hDay' instead :D

EvilDragon: I believe xbox is part of his HPL now too, and I wouldn't be suprised to see PS2 support in the future.
F-day can bite my ass. Other than Wonderswan emu, what is part of F-day that isn't already done and done good to great?? Can't say Neo geo pocket because the new version of RACE is pretty damn good. I was looking forward to F-day for Neo Geo pocket, but not anymore. I could care less if it happens or not now.
Fday sounds like Duke Nukem Forever for me...
F-day can bite my ass. Other than Wonderswan emu, what is part of F-day that isn't already done and done good to great?? Can't say Neo geo pocket because the new version of RACE is pretty damn good. I was looking forward to F-day for Neo Geo pocket, but not anymore. I could care less if it happens or not now.

wow. f-day can bite your ass- thats a marvelous attitude Angel. Rlyeh has highly optimized emulators; simple as that. Playing nes, ngpc, and pce with a new emu, for example, would be a treat. I am still very psyched for h-day, and I wish Rlyeh the best if luck.
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F-day can bite my ass. Other than Wonderswan emu, what is part of F-day that isn't already done and done good to great?? Can't say Neo geo pocket because the new version of RACE is pretty damn good. I was looking forward to F-day for Neo Geo pocket, but not anymore. I could care less if it happens or not now.

Thats a pretty harsh way to put it, you should check your attitude. It proves you have no idea what you are talking about. Rlyeh's emulators have always been nicely polished and though not the fastest around, tended to employ the same user interface imbued with tons of various handy functions.
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F-day can bite my ass. Other than Wonderswan emu, what is part of F-day that isn't already done and done good to great?? Can't say Neo geo pocket because the new version of RACE is pretty damn good. I was looking forward to F-day for Neo Geo pocket, but not anymore. I could care less if it happens or not now.

wow. f-day can bite your ass- thats a marvelous attitude Angel. Rlyeh has highly optimized emulators; simple as that. Playing nes, ngpc, and pce with a new emu, for example, would be a treat. I am still very psyched for h-day, and I wish Rlyeh the best if luck.
Vobbos PCE will probably kick Rlyeh's ones ass.
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Vobbos PCE will probably kick Rlyeh's ones ass.
And what lead you to think that? I really like the way that Rlyeh handles his emulators and only releases them when they are actually complete (or just about). It gives his work a proffessional look that most emulators lack and also ensures high quality.

Keep it up, Rlyeh!
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F-day can bite my ass. Other than Wonderswan emu, what is part of F-day that isn't already done and done good to great?? Can't say Neo geo pocket because the new version of RACE is pretty damn good. I was looking forward to F-day for Neo Geo pocket, but not anymore. I could care less if it happens or not now.

Thats a pretty harsh way to put it, you should check your attitude. It proves you have no idea what you are talking about. Rlyeh's emulators have always been nicely polished and though not the fastest around, tended to employ the same user interface imbued with tons of various handy functions.
yep definitly polished emu's :) I like the gb/gbc emu from rlyeh more than gnuboy, too bad I don't own my gp32 anymore... :(
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You're missing my point though, and i will say i use only 2 of Rylehs emus, the Gameboy one and the Colecovision one and yes they are very good, but you don't need all the eye candy and stuff. I mean what is FNES going to bring that Littlejohn can't do already? FGEN? What will that bring that Dr.MD doesn't? And i don't think i've played an F emulator that doesn't split into 4 screens in the middle of the gameplay, yes its easy to fix, just go in and out of the menu, but its a pain in the ass sometimes.

I guess give me some recommendations. What F emulators are out there that are better then the other emulators released? I don't recall there being a FSNES emulator or FPCE or FA800 so I can't really compare those.

Compatibility is different though. The only baseball game ever worth playing, Super Baseball 2020 for the Genesis, doesn't work right on DrMD, but it always worked on fGen (without sound, of course). It's always better to have options. Plus, Littlejohn is in some cases too slow and has weird scrolling problems on some games, so hopefully fNES will fix that.

Other than that, these aren't just going to be released for GP32. And surely nobody should complain about new, polished emulators for the GP2X (or the GP32, for that matter).
Angel, what did Rlyeh do to you except giving you the Coleco and GB emulators that you yourself praise? Why would you be mad about people anxiously anticipating the release of eight more fantastic emulators? As others said, Rlyeh's work carries a professional image that is reflected through both performance and visual interface, the latter oftenly being ommitted in others' work. You say you have everything except WS, well what about PCE with savestates?

- Alex
ohh evilDragon mentioned DC - would love to get some good DC emulators out there (specifically for Genesis and PCE)

yah by now i have learned not to get psyched about such things, but the mention of it does absolutely whet my appetite.. maybe he'll drop in sometime during the summer, who knows..

and if not, well i already have too many shit-tons of games to play already...
You're missing my point though ...


And you don't seem to understand how disrespectful your comment, "F-day can bite my ass" was ... <_<

That's exactly what I meant. fGen was there BEFORE DrMD, so we enjoyed it back then. You should esteem other people's work even when better projects appear and certainly not insult them in the way you did. If you don't care about fDay (or hDay or whatever), keep it for yourself, as what is the point in addling a thread with your negativism?
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