What Is Telcolou's Avatar Saying?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Well, I'll just say this much;

nickspoon is close, in that it was made to appear like he's saying "asshole" ... but he's actually not.
gosh where does all this homophobia come from? I would rather start thinking about what telcolou likes about ggallin... and rockstars that consider smearing shit into their faces a hobby and a good stage show...
I remember (this is all from memory) him saying that his wife made it and the guy is calling himself an asshole.

I win.

Well, sort of ... yes, my lovely wife made it for me ... the background has been edited out, and the frames are taken from a video clip and assembled to make him appear to be saying "Asshole", while pointing to himself (after all, he was the world's biggest asshole) ... but he was actually saying something alltogether different :P

gosh where does all this homophobia come from? I would rather start thinking about what telcolou likes about ggallin... and rockstars that consider smearing shit into their faces a hobby and a good stage show...

Sorry for the double post ...

I admire him for being the epitome of the Punk-Rock attitude, and for his blistering honesty ... he truly hated everyone, and repeatedly expressed this hatred (including his 'fans') yet, people still came to see his shows (which usually only lasted for a couple of songs before they either shut off the power, the police came, or he got hospitalized). NO ONE was more punk than GG Allin.

I never went to see him in concert, as I have a severe allergic reaction to fecal matter :P

I'm just dissapointed he went out like a cliche' rock star, instead of blowing him self up on stage with a stick of dynomite up his ass.
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Howcome it says "guru" now, thought you were a mod?
He was demoted. I don't understand why you are a Guru dave.... I mean will I get one if I go and demand sound out of emulators and then once thats implemented I just critise them forever? Or do I need sound on my DaveC emulator to be a guru?
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Howcome it says "guru" now, thought you were a mod?

... oh yeah, that. I resigned ... I have no idea why Hando made me 'guru' though :blink: I should be an anti-guru or something :P

Howcome it says "guru" now, thought you were a mod?
He was demoted. I don't understand why you are a Guru dave.... I mean will I get one if I go and demand sound out of emulators and then once thats implemented I just critise them forever? Or do I need sound on my DaveC emulator to be a guru?

Don't be a dick, ya jerk. :angry: Ever hear of the DaveC cap? He contributes in many other ways too, you prick ... he absolutely deserves it ...

And I wasn't demoted, you turd. I gave up the position for personal reasons ... one of which is my inability to remain impartial when uncouth cretins like yourself pollute our board with posts like yours.
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You resigned? Who shall we call upon now to close our threads? The forum will fall into chaos!

Howcome it says "guru" now, thought you were a mod?
He was demoted. I don't understand why you are a Guru dave.... I mean will I get one if I go and demand sound out of emulators and then once thats implemented I just critise them forever? Or do I need sound on my DaveC emulator to be a guru?

Don't be a dick, ya jerk. :angry: Ever hear of the DaveC cap? He contributes in many other ways too, you prick ... he absolutely deserves it ...
I concur.
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I really fear that I should begin to use the [Sarcasm] tag. Of course I know he has done a hell of a lot and he actually tried Vobbos PCE emu without sound be enabled! Or it could have been that it has a sound option in the menu and yet does not work yet :P
I really fear that I should begin to use the [Sarcasm] tag. Of course I know he has done a hell of a lot and he actually tried Vobbos PCE emu without sound be enabled! Or it could have been that it has a sound option in the menu and yet does not work yet :P
I really fear that, even with a sarcasm tag, you'll never realise that you're a jerk.
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