My Ps2 Died Today

Are you sure it's utterly stone dead? Whats the exact problem with it? There seems to be a lot of laser alignment/voltage problems with the PS2 as it grows old. You might be able to fix it quite easily. I actually found a PS2 in my garbage room, which I managed to repair. There are guides on how to fix your PS2 on the Internet…
I have decided to get a slimline PS2. I'm a part time gaming collector myself, and that would be my excuse of buying a PS2 6 months before PS3 launch...or, whatever. :P Anyway, I can't live without my PS2 games for 6 long months, especially summer game release draught has begun, already. Only if Ninty has released some of E3 DS games this summer, maybe, otherwise, I need regular dosage of PS2 pills to stay healthy. ;)
Play all of the Resident Evil games (again) that's always a fun thing to do. This summer I'll be playing with my new GP2X and saving up for a DS Lite. You'd think they'd release games in the summer because all the gamers < 22 would buy a lot more if they had nothing to do for 3 months.
lintsniffer posted on May 29 2006 at 06:48 PM said:
Play all of the Resident Evil games (again) that's always a fun thing to do. This summer I'll be playing with my new GP2X and saving up for a DS Lite. You'd think they'd release games in the summer because all the gamers < 22 would buy a lot more if they had nothing to do for 3 months.
There are lots of PS2 games that I have passed on. With this summer draught season, it's perfect to dig up the old library and see for some jewels. My first line of games include Ace Combat 4 & 5, Star Ocean 3, and Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition. I've also heard good things about Shadow Hearts 2.
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Jarska333 posted on May 29 2006 at 05:32 PM said:
Can you not, like, take it to a repair shop? :P

I found a fast and affordable game system repair shop
in San Antonio Texas. I took my broken PS2(bulky) and
2 broken Xboxs to them in the morning and got them
back repaired and cleaned in the afternoon. It has been
over 6 months with no problems, no more 'disk errors'
for Atomic Dog!
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Jarska333 posted on May 29 2006 at 05:32 PM said:
Can you not, like, take it to a repair shop? :P

I found a fast and affordable game system repair shop
in San Antonio Texas. I took my broken PS2(bulky) and
2 broken Xboxs to them in the morning and got them
back repaired and cleaned in the afternoon. It has been
over 6 months with no problems, no more 'disk errors'
for Atomic Dog!
how much for the ps2 repair?
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The best PS2 repair shop is in San Antonio Texas, its called Gamers
Console Repair in the Southside of Town. I had given up on getting
two of my old PS2 bulky systems repaired but had heard these guys
were fast and reasonable. Both my machines are still working great
for over 6 months since the repairs were made.

Invest in what you have, don't buy the undependable slim ps2.

Atomic Dog
itsme posted on May 28 2006 at 06:36 PM said:
My trusty PS2 died today... It's been in service for over 5 years. Since I am going to get a PS3 at launch, should I live without my PS2 games for the next 6 months? Or, just spend $130 for the stop gap solution? I was going to go through PS2 games that I passed on last year this summer, since the summer game release draught has begun. Now, my plan's ruined...

I wouldn't invest in a slim line, they are undependable. The best PS2s
were the old original big PS2, the older the better. I had one PS2 from
2001 and another from 2003 both died in 2005. I didn't want to buy
the slim line because of all the multy problems and was glad when
one of the gamestores recommended Gamers Console Repair here
in San Antonio. Got both fixed the same day, they load fast and were
cleaned inside and out. Cheaper, better than a new ps2.

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I need to get my old PS2 fixed... got it in 2001 a month or so after launch...

I'm not planning on buying a PS3, so I need something...

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