Ansmann 2700mah Aa's


GP2X by EvilDragon OC's to 280-300MHz
May 10, 2006
Ansmann 2700mah AA's
I can find them stateside, but not a charger...

I even found EIGHTY DOLLAR Ansmann chargers, but it says in the specifications that it charges "up to" 1800mah AA's!

I am in the United States, which makes finding suppliers a problem. If I had the make or model number of any good 2700mah (or heck, I'll go down to 2600 or 2700mah) AA charger, I can probably find it here.

Any assistance is greatly appreciated.

AC Adapter
Will a universal AC adapter work for the GP2X? I assume I need to specify "regulated" whatever that means :S I apologize for my electrical ignorance. And what would I need to set the AC adapter to?

¡Muchismas gracias!
I thought any NiMh rated charger charges an NiMh batteries, along usually with NiCad batteries... I'm quite sure they do...

As for the Adapter, you need 3.3 volts (though 3v and 3.5v will likely do, especially the former) rated at 1 ampere (1000mAh). It also needs to be center-negative, and make sure you buy one that has the right end plug to fit in the gp2x.

EDIT: is a great supplier for the USA.
shouldn't matter what the charger is rated for: i have one that was made for 1800mah batteries so i just stick my 2500mahs in twice.

I just got my 2500 mAh energizers and they last at least 8x as long as regular energizers. I used regulars until I could get to a store, and I burned through about 4 pairs without even playing that much. Last night with the rechargables I watched a few sopranos episodes, played with all of my emulators etc for around 4 hours and the SquidgeSNES shows the batteries aren't even half-way down yet.
Thank you guys, especially iignotus.

Loubear, I've like, edited small sections of the Wiki ;) but thanks, I'll take a gander.
edit: umm, duh... point me in the right direction here, Lou

jbrodack, have you used any Opteka's? I saw the Opteka name and thought "Egads, no!" because I have read about batteries from China (no idea if Opteka is from there) being mislabelled and ... I'm just wary of anything someone hasn't already tried, especially if mail-ordering.

mrsnature *chuckles* I hope that works.

Thanks again.
I use a (cheap) UniROSS charger, which came with 2500NiMH batteries (they really suck in the GP2x - get about 30 minutes! - fine in other machines though); and it recharges my Ansmann 2600NiMH batteries absolutely fine. I tend to recharge 2 batteries at a time, (the unit does 2 or 4 at a time potentially), as it doesn't seem to give such good playtime after recharging 4 at a time.