Psp Mod Chip!

Nah, there won't be a huge amount of people modding their PSPs, and everyone who wants a GP2X will no doubt still get one.
costs $90


new pic of it installed ^^

Personally I will beleive it when I see it working in a video / a installation video / Installation diagrams... All their is is 2 pics and some details which isnt hard evidence of its existance and its got everyone running around in excitement... Plus is it just me or is their no wires running from that chip?? :P

And for $90, I would rather put another $90 towards it and keep my 1.5 psp and Buy another PSP to run the latest firmware on, Saves the risk of killing my 1.5 and the hassle of installing it!!!
lintsniffer posted on May 29 2006 at 10:54 PM said:
So it costs over $300 for a gp2x with a crappy screen and better SNES emulation.
...Which has hundreds of commercial games, wifi, a screen that is quite good except for emus and soon Playstation Emulation fullspeed with sound.

You know, it wasn´t mde for emulation, and those who will buy the chip will probably do it just for the piracy, not the homebrew.
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I bet u when it's launched, sony will make u update ur PSP so it dusent work. They're all about the money, thats why i luv Nintendo and the GP2X.
Fishbong posted on May 31 2006 at 11:03 AM said:
...Which has hundreds of commercial games,

out of which about 10 are actually worth playing....
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Fishbong posted on May 31 2006 at 11:03 AM said:
...Which has hundreds of commercial games,

out of which about 10 are actually worth playing....
Ok, still more than the GP2X.

But actually my point was that people will buy this chip to play PSP games for free. Even if they´re all shitty (god knows that most of ´em are) they are not available on the GP2X.
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I'm not exaggerating, there are zero commercial games I would buy if I somehow got a PSP.

I think you would ;)...

Mercury is a Great game, GTA LCS another great game, Toca Race Driver 2, Wipeout Pure, Persuit Force, Lemmings and Worms are all great games plus many more
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Read the FAQ, its great. This person obviously doesn't speak english well at all lol.

Q: What does "EASY to Install !!" mean ?

A: i say EASY to Install !!
because i found a Method to solderwires onto the tiny traces!!
you just need a "10X Magnifying glass" and a "incisive" Soldering Iron
that Easy than wire the "COPPER ENAMEL WIRE" to PCB
so it is "EASY to Install !!" :P

How is the average person going to use a 10x zoom while soddering hairthin wires lol.