Hi all...
just a little bit of news for ya...
I`ve ported my old pc-engine emulator to GP2X , its running @ ~44fps entirely running C code with a disgusting bodged screen copy routine to get it to display on an SDL surface...
Expect a first release in about 1-2hrs @ http://www.vobbo.gptheatre.co.uk/
I`ll throw up a copy of the windows version too, now running under SDL instead of direct X
The nice thing about hu6280 is, it runs < ALL > the pc-engine HuCard games... its time to play galaga,rtype,gunhed,bomberman and all your other favourite PC-Engine games!
just a little bit of news for ya...
I`ve ported my old pc-engine emulator to GP2X , its running @ ~44fps entirely running C code with a disgusting bodged screen copy routine to get it to display on an SDL surface...
Expect a first release in about 1-2hrs @ http://www.vobbo.gptheatre.co.uk/
I`ll throw up a copy of the windows version too, now running under SDL instead of direct X
The nice thing about hu6280 is, it runs < ALL > the pc-engine HuCard games... its time to play galaga,rtype,gunhed,bomberman and all your other favourite PC-Engine games!