Hu6280 Pc-engine Emulator Working On Gp2x!


Certified Guru
May 6, 2006
Hi all...

just a little bit of news for ya...

I`ve ported my old pc-engine emulator to GP2X , its running @ ~44fps entirely running C code with a disgusting bodged screen copy routine to get it to display on an SDL surface...

Expect a first release in about 1-2hrs @

I`ll throw up a copy of the windows version too, now running under SDL instead of direct X ;)

The nice thing about hu6280 is, it runs < ALL > the pc-engine HuCard games... its time to play galaga,rtype,gunhed,bomberman and all your other favourite PC-Engine games!


Vobbo :ph34r:
Nickmon posted on May 7 2006 at 10:15 PM said:
Go on release it !!!

Dedicated PC Engine fan - waiting !

And yes I own the real one, the CD based one and the hand held!!

ok, ok, give me a few mins... trying to get a rom-selector in there haha
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sam fisher posted on May 7 2006 at 04:22 PM said:

*Fonzi gives you a thumbs up*


Anyway, great job on the port. I see some nice games I want to play!
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Do you intend of optimizing this with vast amounts of arm asm? If not, I wonder if I could steal your code base :D (I'm optimizing my current one hoping to get it running at 60fps @ ~100mhz)
Just a snip over 30 fps (no fskip), but plenty of tricks to do yet :)

Working on a new cpu core and main control system at the moment (99% asm).
ok, uploaded it... V0.0000001 alpha


It should run all the hucards, unless compiling it with gcc screwed something up...

let me know how it works for you, meanwhile, i`ll tidy it up and enable the sound ;)

Vobbo :ph34r:
vobbo posted on May 7 2006 at 08:35 PM said:
ok at uploaded it... V0.0000001 alpha


It should run all the hucards, unless compiling it with gcc screwed something up...

let me know how it works for you, meanwhile, i`ll tidy it up and enable the sound ;)

Vobbo :ph34r:

Thank you so very much. I used to use your emulator back in the day. It was and is a very good emulator. I'm glad to see you've decided to port this. Thanks again!
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Mind giving a summary of the controls? I think I must be doing something wrong if when I try and load up r-type all that comes up is breakout ^^;; (a very fine game of breakout, might I add)
Squidge posted on May 7 2006 at 05:38 PM said:
Do you intend of optimizing this with vast amounts of arm asm? If not, I wonder if I could steal your code base :D (I'm optimizing my current one hoping to get it running at 60fps @ ~100mhz)

You could both work on one emulator......if you think that is a good idea..... :ph34r:
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squidge or vobbo any chance of a port to GP32?

i know i have been saying that a little here and there.. i only ask cause A. Wicked fuckin' cool is what that would be, and B. I remember not unheard-of long ago squidge was working on a GP32 version (which has since been shelved I am sure). Oh well, just thouht i would ask. In the meantime, yet another reason for me + my kind to upgrade to 2X I suppose..!
Squidge posted on May 7 2006 at 11:02 PM said:
Just a snip over 30 fps (no fskip), but plenty of tricks to do yet :)

Working on a new cpu core and main control system at the moment (99% asm).

Is that with sound? Sound is kind of important and a nice feature to have.. If it is, great.

ralp99 posted on May 8 2006 at 02:54 AM said:
squidge or vobbo any chance of a port to GP32?

i know i have been saying that a little here and there.. i only ask cause A. Wicked fuckin' cool is what that would be, and B. I remember not unheard-of long ago squidge was working on a GP32 version (which has since been shelved I am sure). Oh well, just thouht i would ask. In the meantime, yet another reason for me + my kind to upgrade to 2X I suppose..!

The GP32 already has the best PC-Engine emu except for savestates.
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Squidge posted on May 7 2006 at 06:38 PM said:
(I'm optimizing my current one hoping to get it running at 60fps @ ~100mhz)
Wow... that's a great idea! I hope more of the less-CPU-intensive console emulators (NES, GB, etc) get updated with underclocked versions to help save precious battery life. :)

Thanks for the release Vobbo!
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BenRoshi posted on May 8 2006 at 02:47 AM said:
Mind giving a summary of the controls? I think I must be doing something wrong if when I try and load up r-type all that comes up is breakout ^^;; (a very fine game of breakout, might I add)

Sorry for the rushed release... I had to bodge a fileselector in there before I went to bed ;)

anyway , look at the the hu6280.txt for instructions, you just press the 'R' button to boot the rom you selected...

I`ll clean up the release when I get time, I`m off to work now :o
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sand_man posted on May 8 2006 at 06:27 AM said:
Do any of the PC-Engine emulators for the gp2x run CD images?
yes GP2XEngine
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Basic but very good start.

the control it's little hard without diagonal ;)
else it's very smooth.
