The Official Gp2x Startup Sound Topic

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(Seems like this turned into a request thread ... as long as Racer445 doesn't mind, I'll keep it stickied, even though there's now a section in the file archive) Thanks to Racer445 for the sounds and idea for the sticky :)

Note: Ignore the attached file ... I'm a fucking idiot ;)
More info about it that I posted in the Firmware v2.0 info thread:

Well I did some more research on why it comes out squeaky sounding. The rate must be 22050 Hz or else it will be converted down when put on the 2x, which changes the speed of the sound. That is the cause of the squeakies!

EDIT: WOOOOOOT! I finally got the car sound to work correctly! I will turn the volume up a little and post it.

It's uploaded here! Try it out... There is some noticable noise from the horrid recording, but if you plug it into good speakers it sound nice.
I like the old Macintosh 80s startup sound, but I couldn't get it to work. I finally used Audacity (windows version) to convert the AIFF file to a WAV, Sound Recorder (bleah) to make it 22khz, 16 bits, Stereo, inserted it into the actual GP2X startup sound (gp2xsound.wav) and trimming it and making what remained of the gp2x startup sound silence instead of that stupid twinkly noise. Here is what I got:

Putfile- Gp2x Ding

For people who have seen that and want to make your GP2X sound like mine,

Make sure you have lots of space on your SD card (a good policy for ANY firmware upgrade), put this in the root of the card, turn your GP2X off, and hold Start + Select as it starts up.
Hang on ... oky. DAMN this merge topic thing is confusing :lol:
How do you change the startup sound after you've upgraded the firmware? (or is it explained in one of the threads that'll be merged here?)
Drag posted on May 4 2006 at 08:17 PM said:
How do you change the startup sound after you've upgraded the firmware? (or is it explained in one of the threads that'll be merged here?)

Sorry, I fucked up when merging the topics.

You make or edit a .wav to be 2.70 seconds long (though Racer445 says 2.71 ... he got them to work ;)), Stereo, 22kbs and rename it to "gp2xsound.wav"

Then stick it on a formatted SD card, and then in your GP2X. Boot while holding start + select and you will (should) see a firmware upgrading screen. Voila! Cool new sound :)
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I did it by making it 2.705125 seconds long, 22.50 khz, 16 bits, stereo. I basically just changed the original sound file instead of making a new one.
That is the same thing I did to get the car sound to work... That could be the only way to get it to work.
Sonistar posted on May 5 2006 at 08:11 PM said:
i was wondering if someone could get the old sonic "segaaaa" tune working?
that would be AWESOME!!!!

i dont know how to do it thou,0,0,0,23,1487

Done for you, have fun =)

SHOULD WORK, but if it doesn't please fix it and post it so I can update it.

Edit: Tested it myself. Works, I like it, and I'm keeping it.
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Before I start, I would just like to make it clear that what I'm about to say is not a joke (but I do expect to have the piss taken and hopefully an entry in the lol files :) )

Well here goes:

I have made a gp2xsound.wav file containing 2.7 seconds of 22.50 khz, 16 bits, stereo silence. I don't want everyone to know every time I turn on my GP2X.

I was wondering if it would worth uploading for other people who can't be bothered to make theire own.

Of course I could get sued by John Cage but I'm willing to take the risk :)
as long as the card is formatted with the sound on it, any chance of bricking the unit? i just came from 1.0.1 to 2.0.0 and i was scared the entire way
bacteria posted on May 6 2006 at 04:48 PM said:
I like the official one.

ah yes but you also like carpet tiles :P

Need to dig out my BBC Model B for that lovely distorted two tone beep sound
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