What Is This Guy Smoking?

If this guy wrote this for real, I'd like to get my hands on his supply! :lol: ... Linux=Satan? No, Santa is equal to satan...

What shit is this? This is some extreme fucked-up right wing shit! I'm cursing now because I'm angry... Whoever shelley is, he can go shove a bush pin up his conservative, bush-bitch ass..
PokeParadox posted on May 4 2006 at 12:56 AM said:
I just can't believe the level of arrogance, ignorance and downright insanity, the author of that article employs...
I can't believe anyone thought that article was serious :P
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Hahah. The most funny thing about that is, that it's believeable. Meaning, that I would not be surprised if someone wrote something like that seriously.... :lol:
deadlychicken22 posted on May 4 2006 at 03:28 AM said:
PokeParadox posted on May 4 2006 at 12:56 AM said:
I just can't believe the level of arrogance, ignorance and downright insanity, the author of that article employs...
I can't believe anyone thought that article was serious :P

Hey my brain is really tired these days due to coursework... this means my gullibilty factor has increased.
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What is with these republican people?
Anyway I really don't think anyone with normal mind would write something like that which implies that guy/girl is nuts or it is a provocation, looks more like the second one especialy when you look at the comments. Just another page to start worthless discussion and flames. duh...
too bad ShelleyTheRepublican.com
blogs is hosted on linux as shown by the nmap port scanner.

# nmap -O shelleytherepublican.com
Running: Linux 2.4.X|2.5.X, D-Link embedded
OS details: Linux 2.4.0 - 2.5.20, Linux 2.4.18 - 2.4.20, Linux 2.4.26, Linux 2.4.27 or D-Link DSL-500T (running linux 2.4)

Time to put your acts where your words are and find a linux-free hosting solution.


Sorry, I think you are a liar.
Me and linux hosting? Never!

Are they that stupid?
PokeParadox posted on May 4 2006 at 06:00 PM said:
deadlychicken22 posted on May 4 2006 at 03:28 AM said:
PokeParadox posted on May 4 2006 at 12:56 AM said:
I just can't believe the level of arrogance, ignorance and downright insanity, the author of that article employs...
I can't believe anyone thought that article was serious :P

Hey my brain is really tired these days due to coursework... this means my gullibilty factor has increased.
Actually, now that I think about it, there are probably a lot of people who would believe it simply because they're uneducated in the world of computers. However, there are many articles on the net like this one, and every one I have seen is done as a joke. I bet most people don't even know there is an alternative to windows ;)
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LOL, nearly every sentance has "America" or "American" in it :P... you can tell that the person who wrote that probably wears underwear, socks, shirts and caps etc with the American Flag on and drives an american car and eats only american food and probably has american flags all over their house and only buys things with "Made in America" wrote on :P :D

Would be funny if someone shows him all the "Made in Taiwan / china / hong kong etc" badges on his PC hardware :P

EVEN Funnier :) -

contact me on MSN. My user name is ShelleyTheRepublican@hotmail.com. Now that more and more democ-rats attack our great leader and president, George W Bush, I can no longer stand by. I am becoming active.

Rico posted on May 4 2006 at 10:20 PM said:
Hilarious. The follow up article, where they compare Windows to a ten-year-old version of Red Hat, is even funnier.
Yes and I love the fact they use Windows to download a delightful bit of software called Bonzi Buddy.
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