2.0 Kernel/uboot Source

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Dec 24, 2005
Hi guys,

Not trying to start a GPL fight - I was just wondering if anyone knows the status of the 2.0 source? The SVN server hasn't been updated.

oooh... I don't think I want to go there. Lets just wait a couple of weeks and see if the SVN gets the new source.

Craig will end up killing someone if the whole GPL thing takes a step back to where we were with 1.2.0!
It was an innocent question as I see it. No need for closure ... you can all keep civil, right? ;)
TelcoLou posted on Apr 30 2006 at 10:44 PM said:
It was an innocent question as I see it. No need for closure ... you can all keep civil, right? ;)
Not so much us but when people from certain websites come and find this thread then hell breaks loose. I really do suggest you close this oh great TelcoLou who's name I always spell correctly and who I will never report to himself again! :ph34r:
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sam fisher posted on Apr 30 2006 at 06:12 PM said:
TelcoLou posted on Apr 30 2006 at 10:44 PM said:
It was an innocent question as I see it. No need for closure ... you can all keep civil, right? ;)
Not so much us but when people from certain websites come and find this thread then hell breaks loose. I really do suggest you close this oh great TelcoLou who's name I always spell correctly and who I will never report to himself again! :ph34r:
*cough* /. *cough*
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sam fisher posted on Apr 30 2006 at 11:12 PM said:
TelcoLou posted on Apr 30 2006 at 10:44 PM said:
It was an innocent question as I see it. No need for closure ... you can all keep civil, right? ;)
Not so much us but when people from certain websites come and find this thread then hell breaks loose. I really do suggest you close this oh great TelcoLou who's name I always spell correctly and who I will never report to himself again! :ph34r:

Hmmm. This has absolutely nothing to do with flame wars nor "people form certain websites". The GPL is very simple - if you make changes, they *must* be made public. I have contributed to a number of opensource projects under various licences and am never pleased by anyone who thinks I did that work for their personal gain.

That said, I personally have no problem waiting a week or two - getting it all together always takes a little while. I also believe that all the folk who police the GPL and similar aren't terribly strict about time, just that it happens. Given that it has in the past, just chill & wait - it'll appear eventually.
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Its not just their fault. The USER cries for Updates and gives them not time to get the code clean for public. Just let them clean up the Source a bit and then you'll get, what you want. And now, please close this. We'll get it anyway.
Did you read the readme included in the update?

They clearly write an eMail adress where you can ask for the rest of the code, if you need any.
That's a written offer, which is allowed according to the GPL.

I just sent them an eMail for the sourcecode and will upload it onto the archive ASAP.
EvilDragon posted on May 2 2006 at 10:04 AM said:
Did you read the readme included in the update?

They clearly write an eMail adress where you can ask for the rest of the code, if you need any.
That's a written offer, which is allowed according to the GPL.

I just sent them an eMail for the sourcecode and will upload it onto the archive ASAP.

Thank you ED, that's exactly the information I was looking for. You're a true gent. Though I am a little puzzled, why aren't they using the nice SVN they set themselves up for the task? It seems odd.

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OKAY! Thanks ED :)

Since the initial question's been answered, there's no need to keep this open.
The 2.0 Kernel source has been uploaded onto the SVN server. Since the original thread has been locked, I can't post this there, but maybe some mod can and delete/merge/whatever this one?
may i just be the first to say: w000t!!!

yay, finally!

(now what about gp2xmenu_src.tar.gz .. where's that at?)
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