Upgrade To 2.0.0 Help Needed!


Mind the world, need for panic
Apr 2, 2006
The Netherlands
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I downloaded the 2.0.0 firmware, but I need help with upgrading it. The last upgrade I did was with a .gpe file, but now there isn't one in the package. What to do?
the pages come in the GP2x.com site when it will be traducted to english ;)
1. copy all files to sd
2. boot it will show the upgradeing screen
3. it will (should) auto reboot, keep start+select pressed on reboot
4. if you didnt press start +select just turn it off, keep it pressed, and turn it on, keep the keys pressed until the firmware upgrade screen shows.
5. ~10 minutes of updateing fun with various upgradeing screens

6. profit
Vimacs posted on Apr 28 2006 at 09:31 AM said:
1. copy all files to sd
2. boot it will show the upgradeing screen
3. it will (should) auto reboot, keep start+select pressed on reboot
4. if you didnt press start +select just turn it off, keep it pressed, and turn it on, keep the keys pressed until the firmware upgrade screen shows.
5. ~10 minutes of updateing fun with various upgradeing screens

6. profit

Thanks for the tip "Start + Select" before boot on !

my 2.0 update was fail, but now is ok =)
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It's possible to upgrade from 1.2.1 directly without first upgrading to 1.4.0 right?

And does that NAND locking thing work with this firmware?
Thanks! Got it working, and it's great!
You don't have to change your skin to the standard one (It wasn't even possible for me)
This looks like really cool work, a big smile when I saw that picture in the LCD adjuster screen :D.
There are servers which can be enabled, but I guess they are only ports which get opened?
They seem to have added support for Human Interface Devices and EXT storage, really great, now I only need to get my equipment ;D
how long should the update take?
i am upgrading since ~20mins
what happens if i turn off the power in this status?
will it brick the gp2x?

by KK :D
Are you stuck at the loading screen which already says you're at firmware 2.0? Try switch off, then switch back on while you press start+select.
I can't get it to work. I have my SD card formatted with FAT32, I unzip all 9 files to the root of the card, and it just boots up normally. Two of the image files are gone after boot, but no "updating" screen, and it still says FW 1.4. What am I missing?
Magellan posted on Apr 29 2006 at 02:09 AM said:
I can't get it to work. I have my SD card formatted with FAT32, I unzip all 9 files to the root of the card, and it just boots up normally. Two of the image files are gone after boot, but no "updating" screen, and it still says FW 1.4. What am I missing?
Sounds like your sd card just isnt compatible for updates, did you update before?
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Vimacs posted on Apr 28 2006 at 02:31 PM said:
1. copy all files to sd
2. boot it will show the upgradeing screen
3. it will (should) auto reboot, keep start+select pressed on reboot
4. if you didnt press start +select just turn it off, keep it pressed, and turn it on, keep the keys pressed until the firmware upgrade screen shows.
5. ~10 minutes of updateing fun with various upgradeing screens

6. profit

Thanks for the tutorial, it seems so straightfoward that it's not even funny, but I got my Gp2X second hand with 1.4 already installed, so I've never upgraded before, and I just wanted to go over this one more time, as I don't want to have to open a "I just bricked my GP2X Help..........." thread, LOL. As I understand the instrucions, I just unzip and copy all 9 files over to my SD card and "smack" them down with the rest of the folders (emus, utilities, music, ect.; using just a card reader, no usb requiered?) fire up my GP2X and automatically (?) and a upgrading screen will appear. I wait till it automatically (?) reboots again, THEN press the start and select butons (?) and keep them pressed during the process until I get the firmware upgrade screen, at which point I can now release the butons (?) and let the process continue. Thanks for the patience, H.G.
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Magellan posted on Apr 29 2006 at 03:09 AM said:
I can't get it to work. I have my SD card formatted with FAT32, I unzip all 9 files to the root of the card, and it just boots up normally. Two of the image files are gone after boot, but no "updating" screen, and it still says FW 1.4. What am I missing?

Same here, I upgraded mine last time from 1.21 to 1.4 with Firmware 1.4.0 Updater by Rob Brown

Looks like we will have to wait and see if Rob Brown brings out another Firmware updater.

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Vimacs posted on Apr 28 2006 at 10:37 AM said:
fat(16) should be a tad faster, other than that there schould be no difference.

So could you upgrade using fat16 too?
My mac only formats my 1gb to Fat16, and I had to use my friends pc to get it to fat32. But if I could just use fat16 that would be great.

(I am already running 2.0)
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