8-Bit NES hardcore freaks - have a listen

Umm... yeah, that's pretty old. I think almost evyerbody here already knows about that, but it still a good site.
Azure posted on Sep 12 2003 at 01:30 AM said:
Umm... yeah, that's pretty old. I think almost evyerbody here already knows about that, but it still a good site.
Umm... yeah, like post a site Azure hasn't seen already, if that is possible! :lol:

"almost everybody" has had to throw their gp32 out of their prams now because of your carelessness! ;)
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God Azure, just because you have seen it doesnt mean you speak for everyone else. There is still about 99% of the internet that I havent seen yet.
Some really good game remixes:
Live House S.S.H
FF4,FF6,Ys1,3,Lufia2,Castlevania and lots of other games :) (the site is in japanese)
The Minibosses are great, can´t wait to buy their cd :) Wish i could hear them live :(
I think remade video music is cool. I want to hear what the music to skitchen would sound like done by a real band and not by a crappy spu....
I dont know about that site nara, but Overclocked Remix has some pretty good music. Although I dont go there anymore...
Mofokubik posted on Sep 12 2003 at 06:09 AM said:
I think remade video music is cool. I want to hear what the music to skitchen would sound like done by a real band and not by a crappy spu....
I dont know about that site nara, but Overclocked Remix has some pretty good music. Although I dont go there anymore...
Damn. Beat me to it.
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I think remade video music is cool. I want to hear what the music to skitchen would sound like done by a real band and not by a crappy spu....
I dont know about that site nara, but Overclocked Remix has some pretty good music. Although I dont go there anymore...

Maybe this link is more interesting: http://ericslittleshack.tripod.com
I like Erics arrangments :) but i liked minibosses cv1 arrangement more than erics.
I woulda thought everyone would have heard of them by now, they've been around for a long long time...like since 1999 or so I'd guess. Maybe even older. Mind you, I didn't know they had a site, and if you don't actively look for video game music, you won't find much.

There was another band that did video game music, but it was more computer stuff, I think. Not to be confused with ex-games musicians who now make music. :P
Was the band that done music "Press Play on Tape"?? They done mainly C64 stuff.

Rock On
Mofokubik posted on Sep 11 2003 at 08:58 PM said:
God Azure, just because you have seen it doesnt mean you speak for everyone else. There is still about 99% of the internet that I havent seen yet.
Sorry about that, I just assumed that most of you already saw it because it is pretty old.
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Azure posted on Sep 13 2003 at 01:59 AM said:
Mofokubik posted on Sep 11 2003 at 08:58 PM said:
God Azure, just because you have seen it doesnt mean you speak for everyone else. There is still about 99% of the internet that I havent seen yet.
Sorry about that, I just assumed that most of you already saw it because it is pretty old.
Well group-x has been out for years, have you heard of them?
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Evil_Cartman posted on Sep 12 2003 at 04:22 AM said:
Mofokubik posted on Sep 12 2003 at 06:09 AM said:
I think remade video music is cool. I want to hear what the music to skitchen would sound like done by a real band and not by a crappy spu....
I dont know about that site nara, but Overclocked Remix has some pretty good music. Although I dont go there anymore...
Damn. Beat me to it.
And damn, you beat me to saying "beat me to it". I love OC Remix, especially some of those Chrono Trigger mixes.

Hey, I can't believe someone mentioned the Minibosses, and no one has given a nod to the true kings of 8-bit rock, The Neskimos!
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