Metal slug 2 port

Sep 7, 2003
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i read somewhere a few weeks back that a small team of people were porting the neo geo version of Metal Slug 2. However i cant remember where, so just wondering if anybody knows of the details or maybe has a link to the website.
The capcom system 1 emulator is still in development, craigx called piroic a fraud a while ago and pirotic disputed this saying that he simply didn't post updates on news sites, but did on his website here
I can't really say if it's never going to be released, but I was asking pirotic about it and his usb ip link program and all he said to me was that he had abandoned the gp32 scene because the people, hopefully he eventually changes his mind

TJ Hooka
Shit theres an alpha to download too :o

Damn and i was just gonna go to bed too! :blink:

Wonder if it works??

where my smart card reader quick!
what's the point releasing a beta if its password protected..... are you talking about the rpg maker cos if u are i am very disappointed
<BEGENTLEMODE>I must say both iceman and pirotic sound a little over amibitous</BEGENTLEMODE> <_<
when someone says they are going to abandon the gp32 coding scene because some people question their validity that really makes me wonder how valid they are. If they are here it's because they want to be and they like the gp32 and coding for it.. seems like someones bluff was called and walked off with his tail between his legs.. Because there are enough good people still here... the bad ones aren't worth acknowledging let alone allowing them to run you off lol :ph34r:
he said that he was leaving the scene becuase of the people, shit i hope he never starts programming for GBA users.

we have a good scene, its just some people get a little over excited about playing stuff.
The reason why we think he is fake is he didnt answer any questions he asked very very newbie questions and to get the capcom emu he ported trust me it would need a damn good coder to port that but it still be very unuseable and craigx called him up on it

They all found out what he was doing and banned him. And dont bother about the files on his website there fake.

Now onto the orignal question the remake of metal slug

well it's metal slug 1 not 2 but he is working on it he having a bit of trouble

Last time i talke dto him was about hmmm 3 day and he's trying to get the engine down so he only has to replace the graphics and a few other things for metal slug 2

but he is still trying to write the code.

so sorry guys but you will have to wait.

it's a shame when someone quits the scene. but it is understandable. on this side, we the "users" are pretty often shielded from what the emu authors have to deal with sometime - i mean when you put up a website or whatever, do an interveiw and offer your email address, then you are opening yourself up to the mercy of the public. It's true, we like to think that most people are respectful of this, sure once in awhile people may get a little short or naggy but that doesn't seem too bad..

unfortunately, some folks have a little too much time on their hands and can just be plain childish and inconsiderate. when they don't get what they want or they don't get properly pandered too, they can do things rashly (like send tons of hate mail.. or worse) Years ago someone made a Sega CD emulator (years before a public one was released!) .. she was doing it for a school project, and out of kindness was sharing notes of her progress with the scene.. unfortunately her progress wasn't as fast and available as some in the scene would have liked and she got a whole bunch of hate mail, even death threats and things. It sounds pretty retarded but it's not unbelievable, at any rate she rescinded her participation from the scene at that point, finished up the project privately and that was the end of that... I think she disappeared from the scene altogether.

That story sucks, so do the ones we have seen around here recently (and don't forget about what happened to realityMan and Epsilon, creators of UltraHLE!) Talented people all forced to quit the scene for whatever reason. Anyway my point in posting this stuff is things happen that we don't hear about, maybe this guy (Pirotic) was getting mailbombed or whatever day after day, he sure got kinda shat on in the forums. No one has to put up with that stuff if they don't want to - they work for free - and sometimes they return to the scene, sometimes they abandon it altogether (you think we'll ever see any more work from Intellecto? Doubt it..!)

Anyway try not to blame these guys, they are working hard for free and sure, it sucks when the scene drags and we get hyped about things after seeing all those mouth-watering screenshots. Just remember that "emu authors are people too"

GBA scene is lucky cause they've built up a strong community of emu athors who are very active in the forums (not just dev-specific ones) as well as prolific with their work, hopefully we can get the GP32 scene to be more like that (so that the authors don't seem so distant and unreachable) - it would probably bring the authors + users closer, there'd be less of this hate-mailing and trash talking.
In the Linux world, we never have this problem. We just release the code as soon as we announce the project, then everyone can see what's in it.

I can't understand why emulator authors need to announce their project before releasing it - not only this is useless, but that allows morons to build website for fake projects and pollute the community.