How To "release" The Usb Serial Cable From Bash


Active Member
Mar 29, 2006
Topic might seem confusing but i couldn't find a good name for it. I'm using the usb Serial program to get me a bash in windows terminal. All works fine no problems here. I can run my game and look at my debug info and afterwards the menu gets started again. My main problem now is that the usb serial cable is in use and when i goto usb in the settings menu windows won't find the gp2x because the cable is still in use by the serial output script or the insmod's it does. My question now is what commands do i have to give in the bash to get the cable released so that i can use the usb again in settings without having to restart my gp2x every time.

i hope this makes sense to someone and i think it's just a simple linux command but since i'm not very familiar with it i have no clue on what command it should be

rmmod g_serial.o

or just

rmmod g_serial

but it might fail, as it'll be in use by bash, which your typing the command in with.

So, I'd recommend buying or making a serial lead, and just using usb for settings menu.
Squidge posted on Apr 13 2006 at 03:28 PM said:

rmmod g_serial.o

or just

rmmod g_serial

but it might fail, as it'll be in use by bash, which your typing the command in with.

So, I'd recommend buying or making a serial lead, and just using usb for settings menu.
well i made a gpu bash script to do it so i could run it from the menu and not from bash but it failed for some reason probably because it is in use as u said.

i can't make a serial lead /cable myself since i not knowledged / skilled enough but do u have an idea where i could buy one, one that will work out of the box without any modifictations, or doesn't there exist one
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