GP2X Has Anyone Designed A Stand For The Gp2x?


Still Fresh
Mar 25, 2006
I was thinking how nice it would be to have the GP2X sit on a little stand,
like a photo stand or something where the screen is angled up (like a 70 degree
angle to the desk) while sitting next to my keyboard.

Has anyone come up with any cool little snap-on type stands for the unit?

It would be cool to have video playing on this thing as I type on the computer.
(Or for on the dashboard of my car while I eat lunch)

Off the top of my head, I can stick a little rubber mat under the unit and prop it
up against something, but a little plastic snap on stand would be cool.
You can buy a cheap translucent-plastic plate stand at almost any dollar store that's designed to hold decorative plates at an angle; it's more than thick enough to hold a GP2X.
I was just at the mall with the wifey, and saw a small Display Easel.
(4.99 at bed, bath & beyond)
It looks and works pretty good.

BenScar posted on Apr 2 2006 at 12:13 AM said:
I just got my hands on something called Polymorph (No not the thing from Red Dwarf), going to be seeing how well that makes a stand. Pictures will be forthcoming once I get going with it.... (RS232 interface to finish first :) )

as you'll find out, polymorph is awesome stuff. i only found out about it a couple of weeks ago and wish i'd known about it years ago.
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chunkyktr posted on Apr 2 2006 at 08:26 PM said:
as you'll find out, polymorph is awesome stuff. i only found out about it a couple of weeks ago and wish i'd known about it years ago.

*grin* Right that does it... Re-solder the GND line on the RS232 and then it's polymorph time, been putting it off for far to long now :-)
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I went into afterschool design class and made one out of scrap plastic, 45 mins of work and free plastic.
Pretty good stuff. making a new one though which will be better than the one i have now.
I've had a go with the Polymorph, I've posted the pictures in another thread, have a look, see what you think.
That's the second try, which to me, looks pretty good :)

If I use that as the basis of a vaccuum for mould there might be enough space to put an EXT connector in the bottom so it'll act as a docking station with the elctronics in the stand... I'm dreaming at the moment, but gotta start somewhere :)
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BenScar posted on Apr 7 2006 at 01:48 PM said:
....might be enough space to put an EXT connector in the bottom so it'll act as a docking station with the elctronics in the stand...

funny that, been thinking similar! ;)
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