Early Screenshots Of Intellivision Emu Port


Still Fresh
Mar 8, 2006
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Attached screenshots of early WIP made on porting Bliss Intellivision emulator to the GP2X... Hopefully should be playable very soon :)




Awesome! I was wondering when an Intellivision emu would show up. Maybe it could even use the 16 directions of the GP2X stick as the Intellivision had 16 directions too.

Good luck with this.

@ Dialtone, it could be the pictures but it looks like you still have that hazy protective film on your screen, making it look cloudy and scratched, you may want to remove it ;)
DaveC, nah it's just my lousy cam phone ;) lol

Anyway, it's running, and is kinda playable - some issues with the sound atm which is choppy, haven't finished converting the joystick support yet either (so only a handful of controls are emulated so far - enough to fire up lock'n'chase anyway lol), and haven't gotten the menu working yet either. So early days, and I have a 3wk old baby to look after lol, but hope to get some time on this.

First off (and again), LOVE your user name ;)

Secondly, You have no idea how great this news is to my Wife and I!!! :D :D :D :D

"You'll never do it in time!

Cut this out first ... this out second ...

The code! The code!! Figure out the code!
:lol: :lol:
DialTone posted on Mar 31 2006 at 04:56 PM said:
DaveC, nah it's just my lousy cam phone ;) lol

Anyway, it's running, and is kinda playable - some issues with the sound atm which is choppy, haven't finished converting the joystick support yet either (so only a handful of controls are emulated so far - enough to fire up lock'n'chase anyway lol), and haven't gotten the menu working yet either. So early days, and I have a 3wk old baby to look after lol, but hope to get some time on this.


The joystick on the Gp2X is an 8-switch 16-way setup like the intellivision so direct control would be possible. I don't know if the emu itself is set up it may convert everything to work on the 4-switch pads though.

Also for the screen modes you should also include some even scaling modes like an even 2:1 pixel doubling. This way you won't get pixel distortion found with fractional stretching.

Just some things to keep in mind while hacking away, I know it is still early.

I am really pulling for you, I hope you stick with it to the point where it is playable with sound. I may even donate one of my "super -deluxe" joystick caps when this is released :P
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EvilDragon posted on Mar 31 2006 at 10:32 AM said:
Cooool :)

Pick Axe Pete! Finally :)
That's Odyssey2 actually, not Intellivision (unless it was ported).
We have to keep our finger's crossed and hope that Telengard can update his O2 emulator he already has running in his next MESS release. Pete wasn't working in the last one.

Of course, I'm not getting my hope up, I'm not sure that emulation of O2 is that great in Windows MESS anyway.

Sorry, I forgot to say... This looks VERY promising, keep up the good work!
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There were a handful of classics on the Intellivision as I recall:

Discs of Tron

I have not seen a better version of the above games on any other platform. The Intellivision had a lot of crap games on it, with was its downfall (cartridges were expensive, about £25 each in 1980 - which is the equivalent of about £90 today, taking into account inflation and cost of living increases - and a lot of games sucked.

Looking forward to playing the above games; assuming the emulator ever comes to light...