Stupid Cheap Lowlife Lousy Stinking...


Dec 17, 2005
I forgot why I hate playing games online with other people.

I swear, is there ANYONE out there playing Metroid Prime: Hunters that doesn't power off his DS when defeat is imminent?
I don't have metroid, but I don't do things like that out of principle. As soon as I get it, you could always call me up for a fair fight, as the only reason why someone would do that is because they're a total fucking loser.
haha, sure they did. In tetris DS disconnecting automatically registers you for a loss, which is a good step in the right direction.

My copy of hunters should be delivered today or tomorrow. Would love to have a few games with some of my fellow gp32x members..
grahf posted on Mar 27 2006 at 04:55 PM said:
haha, sure they did. In tetris DS disconnecting automatically registers you for a loss, which is a good step in the right direction.

My copy of hunters should be delivered today or tomorrow. Would love to have a few games with some of my fellow gp32x members..

As soon as I figure out how the hell to get a friend code, I'll put it in my sig.

NOTE: Oh yeah... and if anyone is the kind of gimp that uses Trace and stands invisible in a ONE-ON-ONE game to run down the clock, please put 'BITCH" in your sig, because playing against you is effing boring.
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While we're talking about Metroid... is it true what I heard - an American cartridge will run in my German DS, but I will not be able to play online? I don't want to wait, but I don't want to lose the multiplayer neither ;)
Also, I hereby promise that I will never deliberately power off when losing in a multiplayer match ;) I hate it too.... what's so bad about it to admit that someone somewhere is better at a video game than I am?
So,World of Warcraft. We are in this castle, fihjting our way to the last chest. There are Mobs all around us. I am holding them off, waiting for them to die so I can open the chest and finish the quest. I look around and see the other three party members looting the chest, while I aggro all the mobs. Then I see the other three legging it out of the castle. I die. Several times. I cannot finish the quest. I must start from the beginning...

I was very pissed off. And when I told them so, they were so rude. And then, when I shouted across the general channel of several different areas their names, and what they had done, they were even ruder...
You guys know that in Metroid Prime:Hunters it has a seperate counter for the ammount of times someone does that. And it really F's your score up on the worldwide leaderboards.
lubidog posted on Mar 28 2006 at 06:32 PM said:
So,World of Warcraft. We are in this castle, fihjting our way to the last chest. There are Mobs all around us. I am holding them off, waiting for them to die so I can open the chest and finish the quest. I look around and see the other three party members looting the chest, while I aggro all the mobs. Then I see the other three legging it out of the castle. I die. Several times. I cannot finish the quest. I must start from the beginning...

I was very pissed off. And when I told them so, they were so rude. And then, when I shouted across the general channel of several different areas their names, and what they had done, they were even ruder...
lol good one.
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lubidog posted on Mar 28 2006 at 05:32 PM said:
So,World of Warcraft. We are in this castle, fihjting our way to the last chest. There are Mobs all around us. I am holding them off, waiting for them to die so I can open the chest and finish the quest. I look around and see the other three party members looting the chest, while I aggro all the mobs. Then I see the other three legging it out of the castle. I die. Several times. I cannot finish the quest. I must start from the beginning...

I was very pissed off. And when I told them so, they were so rude. And then, when I shouted across the general channel of several different areas their names, and what they had done, they were even ruder...
Being a tank sucks sometimes :P
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