Ps1 - Help Me Find This Old Demo Disc


Still Fresh
Jan 20, 2006
Bristol, UK
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Way back when the Playstation 1 first came out the was a demo disc that had a t-rex that you could move about, it had this program when u put in a music CD in and patterens on the screen went in time to the music (I remember a red and blue head)

It also had a demo for the first wipeout on it, the is a (i think chemical brothers) track from this demo that I really want to hear again. I dont remmber hearing it anywhere apart from on this 1 demo CD.

Does anyone remember this demo CD, have it or know where I can get it ??
was the track a music video?? I remember a Demo with a Music Vid on called Afrika Shoxs or something like that.. I think the guys arm shatters into peices on the video??

is that the one?
That would be the demo disc which came with playstation when it was released in the UK. Defintly remeber mine having the trex demo on it and teh game demos.
Yeah I think all regions got the T-rex Demo. Though I'm not sure about the Wipeout thing. Hang on I'm gonna go check mine (wonder if it'll even work in the PS2?)

nope, no Wipeout on mine, The only musical artists listed are, The The, Dag, Korn, Mother May I and Dandelion. Are you sure it's the developers demo disk? there might be a Wipeout video on a later disk...
yeah an orange disc with a big 1 on it i think, had t-rex graphic demo, dont remember any music tracks, i remember playing the espn demo a fair bit though.
These demo discs were released in various forms. I got mine with a Playstation I bought in Oman way back in 98. I don't have it anymore but I remember the demos as being Rage Racer, Kurushi, Abes oddessy, Tonka (or interesting FPS) and a few others. It also had the Trex on it but I'm not sure about the wipeout video.

One thing for sure, if I ever came across that disc again the nostalgia would probably make me drown in thin air.
Wipeout 1 had Chemical Beats
Wipeout 2097 had Dust up Beats and Loops of Fury.

Wip3out also had Chemical Brothers stuff but it wasn't on the demo's

The track is most likely Chemical Beats which is on the Chemical Brothers "The Singles" album (along with loops of fury). That's the one track that straight away reminds me of the old late night sessions on 2097. Damn my wife hated that game with a passion :D
Possibly the most finely tuned racing game ever...<sniffs>
i will have a look for the disc now. Im sure i still have it somewhere. It must have been just the very first playstations in the uk that had them or somethin coz i got mine just when they came out.

Thats the disc :D For some reason it seems very jumpy on my ps2 but heres a wee video of wipreout WIPEOUT DEMO

Anyoneany idea why it woudl be so jumpy or choppy whatever you want to call it ?

EDIT: Here it is on ebay HERE

Its not me selling it by the way i think i will keep mine :P
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Twimfy posted on Mar 26 2006 at 09:11 PM said:
These demo discs were released in various forms. I got mine with a Playstation I bought in Oman way back in 98. I don't have it anymore but I remember the demos as being Rage Racer, Kurushi, Abes oddessy, Tonka (or interesting FPS) and a few others. It also had the Trex on it but I'm not sure about the wipeout video.

One thing for sure, if I ever came across that disc again the nostalgia would probably make me drown in thin air.

Hoh, still have the musics from that demo on a CD. They were in CD-DA format, listenable trough your basic CD player. Lifeforce Tenka had nifty music, so did Rapid Racer. I think it was by Apollo 440, the RR one.

Those demo CD's had some interesting games on them, which would have been fun to play... Like Blast Radius.
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