Psp To Get Ps1 Emulation?

Gemini, the X360 Premium is sold at about a $126 loss. With that in mind, there should be no doubt whether PS3 will be sold at a loss, and, with expensive new tech like Blu-Ray and the Cell, it can be assumed it would be higher.

iignotus posted on Mar 26 2006 at 11:09 PM said:
The PS3 will not be more than $449.99 at launch and I can guaran-fucking-tee it.
MSRP, right? I could see it going as high as $500 but no higher.
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shinneri posted on Mar 26 2006 at 11:47 PM said:
Gemini, the X360 Premium is sold at about a $126 loss. With that in mind, there should be no doubt whether PS3 will be sold at a loss, and, with expensive new tech like Blu-Ray and the Cell, it can be assumed it would be higher.

iignotus posted on Mar 26 2006 at 11:09 PM said:
The PS3 will not be more than $449.99 at launch and I can guaran-fucking-tee it.
MSRP, right? I could see it going as high as $500 but no higher.
Yes. In-store, non-inflated, in-stock MSRP value. It will not be higher than $449.99.
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shinneri posted on Mar 26 2006 at 11:47 PM said:
Gemini, the X360 Premium is sold at about a $126 loss. With that in mind, there should be no doubt whether PS3 will be sold at a loss, and, with expensive new tech like Blu-Ray and the Cell, it can be assumed it would be higher.

That is because Microsoft doesn't have any hardware manufacturing divisions. Everything they build, they buy the parts from others.

Sony has a HUGE advantage in this regard. They may take a tiny loss to start with, but anyone who claims $900 *manufacturing cost* is smoking some seriously good sh*t. There is NO way they would take a $400+ loss on EVERY unit sold, and there's no way they're going to MSRP for more than $500. If they do, they lose HUGE ground to XBOX 360. There's just no way they could possibly compete, and Sony's been around long enough to not make such an elementary mistake (whereas MS is new to the hardware biz).

Apply some logical reasoning, people. Don't just spout crap you read in EGM or something. At this stage in the game, you can safely assume that 99% of everything you hear about the PS3 is pure marketing hype.
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GeminiDomino posted on Mar 27 2006 at 12:27 AM said:
shinneri posted on Mar 26 2006 at 11:47 PM said:
Gemini, the X360 Premium is sold at about a $126 loss. With that in mind, there should be no doubt whether PS3 will be sold at a loss, and, with expensive new tech like Blu-Ray and the Cell, it can be assumed it would be higher.

That is because Microsoft doesn't have any hardware manufacturing divisions. Everything they build, they buy the parts from others.

Sony has a HUGE advantage in this regard. They may take a tiny loss to start with, but anyone who claims $900 *manufacturing cost* is smoking some seriously good sh*t. There is NO way they would take a $400+ loss on EVERY unit sold, and there's no way they're going to MSRP for more than $500. If they do, they lose HUGE ground to XBOX 360. There's just no way they could possibly compete, and Sony's been around long enough to not make such an elementary mistake (whereas MS is new to the hardware biz).

Apply some logical reasoning, people. Don't just spout crap you read in EGM or something. At this stage in the game, you can safely assume that 99% of everything you hear about the PS3 is pure marketing hype.
Exactly. Big companies do not love their customers enough to practically give things away. Anyone stupid enough to believe that a) it costs Sony $900 to make each PS3 or B) that it will retail for any higher than I said deserves to spend that much on it.
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GeminiDomino posted on Mar 26 2006 at 11:50 PM said:
These estimates come from people who have fsckall to do with anything regarding actual hardware development. They have no idea WTF they're talking about, most of them aren't even engineers.

You have way too much faith in talking heads. No one who knows anything about ANY industry puts faith in "Analysts" like that.

Profit analysts no, but the two hardware analysts (whos reports ive read) have had pretty decent records for accuracy. Bear in mind that these reports were published shortly after the 360 release, which is why the price is usually quoted as between $700-900. Thats the main reason the PS3 was delayed. At the time, those reports were realistic. Sony is currently waiting on prices to drop for components/construction of the ps3. The ps3 will sell at a loss either way, but its a question of how much they can afford to eat, while still maintaining an affordable launch price.
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grahf posted on Mar 27 2006 at 02:20 AM said:
...its a question of how much they can afford to eat, while still maintaining an affordable launch price.


Sony's advantage in this market is that Microsoft is still Marketing the Xbox like they market their software: with the goal of crushing all competition out of existance. If sony takes a more realistic approach (which they seem to be doing), they can keep thier lead.

Charging $200+ more for the PS3 than the 360 doesn't fit into that plan, and MS would eat thier lunch.

And meantime, Nintendo just chugs along, selling consoles cheaper and still at a profit, perfectly content with thier 3rd place. :)
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lubidog posted on Mar 27 2006 at 12:40 AM said:
Anyway, getting sorta back to topic, this must be a good thing. If anyone can emulate Sony, then it must be Sony.

Actually, I saw an emulator once... I am pretty sure it was commercial one though.... that worked flawlessly for PS1 emulation. I am pretty sure it was called "VGS" or something along those lines.
Don't know what happened to it though, a half assed google search gave me no relevant matches right now.
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The PS3 will be sold at a large loss, for those that deny this, read the document [PDF sorry].

Merrill Lynch are one of the world's largest financial management and advisory companies.

Those estimates are flawed. They're based on things such as wholesale component prices, and a large part of that is blu-ray drives. Since sony OWNS blu-ray, they won't be paying blu-ray licensing fees or paying anywhere NEAR wholesale for the drives.
No you are wrong there are lots of large costs involved in production of the PS3, and if you read the document you would realise this. Prices will fall over the next 3 years, but they will be very high to start with.
I like iTunes because all those songs are small in size and I can make impulsive purchase with small amount of money. Therefore, I don't how I'm going to down load a few gig worth of RPGs from the server. The whole point of this service, at least in my book, is playing a game that I want to play when I want to play, not wanting the game and wait several hours then playing the game.

Also, the point of XBox Arcade and Vitual Console is about those minature arcady games not a full length console games that we have with PS1 and later.
Well, you have the choice, don't you? If you don't want to download a long RPG, then don't. If you wanna download a short blaster then do?

And waiting to download a long RPG? Do you live in a games shop? When I want to play a game, I either go into town and buy it, or have it sent. They take time.

Sony isn't aping the Xbox live service. They are offering PS1 games to download. It's a different thing, and I want this service. I'm looking forward to it!
Hanz™ posted on Mar 28 2006 at 08:53 AM said:

The PS3 will be sold at a large loss, for those that deny this, read the document [PDF sorry].

Merrill Lynch are one of the world's largest financial management and advisory companies.

Those estimates are flawed. They're based on things such as wholesale component prices, and a large part of that is blu-ray drives. Since sony OWNS blu-ray, they won't be paying blu-ray licensing fees or paying anywhere NEAR wholesale for the drives.
No you are wrong there are lots of large costs involved in production of the PS3, and if you read the document you would realise this. Prices will fall over the next 3 years, but they will be very high to start with.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

You honestly don't see anything wrong with those numbers?

Jesus christ, am I in the wrong business...
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lubidog posted on Mar 28 2006 at 11:00 AM said:
Well, you have the choice, don't you? If you don't want to download a long RPG, then don't. If you wanna download a short blaster then do?

And waiting to download a long RPG? Do you live in a games shop? When I want to play a game, I either go into town and buy it, or have it sent. They take time.

Sony isn't aping the Xbox live service. They are offering PS1 games to download. It's a different thing, and I want this service. I'm looking forward to it!

What's acceptable in buying situation is not necesarily acceptable in downloading situation. If you throw in limited memory stick space, big CD games doesn't sound as good as MegaDrive SNES games. I'm just being sceptical about the success of the service because of those reasons I pointed out.

I agree that Sony is not copying XBox live, they're rather copying Virtual Console, but hack, what's new in their playbook. :P
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GeminiDomino posted on Mar 28 2006 at 02:24 PM said:
:lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

You honestly don't see anything wrong with those numbers?

Jesus christ, am I in the wrong business...

You're not in any business as far as I know. What are the credentials that make you any more knowledgeable about this than actual people who study this everyday? What makes you more professional than professionals enough to say any of these numbers are lies? No one knows you from a ham & cheese sandwich! Why should anyone take your side, you have no leverage.

You're the one claiming what is normally held as the truth is wrong, if anyone needs to supply some proof it's you.

NOW. back on the actual TOPIC of the thread: It's likely the download of PSone games is resting it's bets on the number of DSL and cable users that can stand to download a 300mb or more game. Services like Steam don't seem to be going away so it stands to reason it mush do fairly well. prehaps they might even allow games (atleast those than can be) to be downloaded in stages or provide a file loader client (Sony's never been shy about creating software for their own purposes) that might allow you to start downloading and resume later if you have to stop for some reason or get cut off.

The other thing Sony's never been shy of is trying to push their own mediums, a full cd sized PSone game (assuming they arent compressed somehow for the PSP) could be another way of pushing the need for 1gb and higher ProDuo cards. The greater the demand for supply the more market penetration they can get for it eventually leading to a point where 2Gb cards sell for more manageable prices rather than prices near and above 150 dollars.
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GeminiDomino posted on Mar 28 2006 at 08:24 PM said:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

You honestly don't see anything wrong with those numbers?

Jesus christ, am I in the wrong business...
I am glad that you think that you are more correct than one of the worlds top financial companies. The don't seem so surprising to me, everybody knew that the Cell and Blu-ray would drive prices right up, as they are so new.
Well the photo has the wrong total it should be $800, and is the PDF.
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Alpha2 posted on Mar 28 2006 at 07:57 PM said:
GeminiDomino posted on Mar 28 2006 at 02:24 PM said:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

You honestly don't see anything wrong with those numbers?

Jesus christ, am I in the wrong business...

You're not in any business as far as I know. What are the credentials that make you any more knowledgeable about this than actual people who study this everyday? What makes you more professional than professionals enough to say any of these numbers are lies? No one knows you from a ham & cheese sandwich! Why should anyone take your side, you have no leverage.

Well there is a little thing called "logic." For startes, referring to ML as "one of the worlds top financial companies" (not you, the other guy) just shows a remarkable ignorance of current events. ML has come under fire recently for just this kind of ass-talking, and the assumption that it might be more fraud than ignorance.

Think about it, though. The Blu-Ray drive is a simple peice of hardware. With the exception of the laser, it's not fundamentally mechanically different than a DVD-9. Logistically, the circutry is more complex, but that only makes it more expensive to develop, not generally to manufacture (the higher cost of chips amount to pennies on the dollar in volume, not Jacksons.) Also, the largest part of the cost would be the licensing (anyone familiar with Sony realizes that the biggest reason that their proprietary formats ALWAYS fail in the market is that they are too greedy in licensing. Goes all the way back to betamax). Obviously, Sony doesn't have to pay Sony licensing.

The economics of the situation don't fit, either. They're not going to sell a product for 50% of manufacturing cost. It's just not going to happen. And if they charge much more than that, they're going to lose sales to all but the most hardcore early adopters. In the video game market, that's NOT a good thing. You lose the third party developers, marketing fodder, and mindshare. Honestly, if those numbers are correct, then Sony would do better not releasing it at all.

As for my credentials, I get my information from the same sources that ML does: From Sony press releases. I just know how to apply the proper grain of salt. I've worked IT and hardware/system repair for over 10 years, including for a Fortune 100 company.

ML's job is to drive stock prices, not report accurate information. Something to keep in mind.
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This post is pointless conjecture.
The Blu-Ray drive is a simple peice of hardware

Anyway, what is the point of this argument? And whether ML have come ubder fire or not, they are more respected in the world of finance than you, I suspect. And certainly they are a major name etc....
lubidog posted on Mar 28 2006 at 06:00 PM said:
Well, you have the choice, don't you? If you don't want to download a long RPG, then don't. If you wanna download a short blaster then do?

And waiting to download a long RPG? Do you live in a games shop? When I want to play a game, I either go into town and buy it, or have it sent. They take time.

Sony isn't aping the Xbox live service. They are offering PS1 games to download. It's a different thing, and I want this service. I'm looking forward to it!

I too am looking forward to this. I'd love to play some Einhander on the go.
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Homino is offically on my ignore list, his unique brand of paranoid delusion and lack of any logic other than that which he wants to believe is something I can do without.

I wonder if they wont allow japanese game downloads as well, seeing how the PSP is regionless.