Psp To Get Ps1 Emulation?


Dec 17, 2005

As part of its PlayStation Business Briefing 2006, Sony last week announced that it is working on an emulator that would allow gamers to play PS titles on the PSP. Details haven't been released yet, but Sony Computer Entertainment president Ken Kutaragi said the games would be digitally distributed.

I guess "digitally distributed' means I have to buy my games all over again.

Bugger that, though if they give me a way to get my legitimate PSX games onto it, I'll buy a PSP just for that, unless zodttd gets his out first. :)
Digital distribution means download them from online to play on the PSP. The idea of releases like that are more to take advantage of people who didn't buy the originals, and those that really really want to play certain old games on the go rather than those who already have the old games still laying around and arnt willing to spend money for new versions... I'd also assume these online version to be a lot cheaper much like Nintendo's Retrovolution plan.

As for possibly copying ISOs to your memory stick, I'd think the large differances in hardware would make a straight code porting without any alteration like that completly impossible, you'd definatly need some sort of interpreter/emulator for that and concidering the potential for abuse of such a thing it'll never happen that way certainly if Sony has any say in it.

They'd rather you buy their specially locked content to avoid you just handing out copies to friends.
Yeah, I bet they'll be like JoyGP or the old GP32 software digital distribution system. It'll retrieve your PSP's specific ID# (or whatever) and it'll only work on that certain machine. It's an excellent idea, I think.

Wonder how you'll store a game like FF8 though...
Alpha2 posted on Mar 25 2006 at 11:18 PM said:
Digital distribution means download them from online to play on the PSP. The idea of releases like that are more to take advantage of people who didn't buy the originals, and those that really really want to play certain old games on the go rather than those who already have the old games still laying around and arnt willing to spend money for new versions... I'd also assume these online version to be a lot cheaper much like Nintendo's Retrovolution plan.

I know what digital distribution means. That's why I said "bugger that" and IF they give me a way to do it. I'm not interested in more ports of crappy mainstream games like FF7 and MGS, and I sure as fsck aint interested in paying for them again.

As for possibly copying ISOs to your memory stick, I'd think the large differances in hardware would make a straight code porting without any alteration like that completly impossible, you'd definatly need some sort of interpreter/emulator for that and concidering the potential for abuse of such a thing it'll never happen that way certainly if Sony has any say in it.

Err... an emulator is what they're currently writing anyway. They're just likely going to bog the hell out of it with DRM so that we can't do just what you mentioned.

They'd rather you buy their specially locked content to avoid you just handing out copies to friends.

How unfortunate for them, then. Most of my friends hate the JRPGs I so enjoyand wouldn't want copies anyway, but by not letting me play the games I've already purchased, they've lost a sale.
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The point I was making is that they don't care that you don't care.

I'm not interested in more ports of crappy mainstream games like FF7 and MGS

If you don't want those games anyway, why complain? You obviously sound like someone who wouldnt be playing these ports one way or the other.

an emulator is what they're currently writing anyway. They're just likely going to bog the hell out of it with DRM so that we can't do just what you mentioned.

The versions coming out for the PSP will likely be specifically recoded to work on the PSP, they won't be direct emulations even though they may look like old PSone games because they have to work in a different environment and the best way to take advantage of it is to adjust it. If it were just a matter of emulation we'd be playing the games already on hacked/1.5FW PSPs.

Most of my friends hate the JRPGs I so enjoyand wouldn't want copies anyway, but by not letting me play the games I've already purchased, they've lost a sale.

Uh, No they havent because you said you wouldnt pay to play them any way. It;s not even remotly unfortunate for them because they're still going to see a profit from it. Yeah it'd be nice to play ISOs of your PSone games but there are many buisness related reasons for them to not allow it. Just because your friends wont want your games dosent mean there arnt a million other people who'd be happy to share someone else's free game.
shinneri posted on Mar 26 2006 at 04:46 AM said:
Yeah, I bet they'll be like JoyGP or the old GP32 software digital distribution system. It'll retrieve your PSP's specific ID# (or whatever) and it'll only work on that certain machine. It's an excellent idea, I think.

Wonder how you'll store a game like FF8 though...

But that was cracked wasnt it?? you could get GP32 Games from Warez places that ran like the originals (Or were these just the SMC Memory Card versions of the games that ran on all?)

Depending on the price I might buy some (If its like £3 a game ;)... But no doubt it will be something stupid like £25 - £30 a game :(
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Alpha2 posted on Mar 26 2006 at 02:07 AM said:
The point I was making is that they don't care that you don't care.

If you don't want those games anyway, why complain? You obviously sound like someone who wouldnt be playing these ports one way or the other.

That's right. I've got a binder full of PSX games I'd play.

The versions coming out for the PSP will likely be specifically recoded to work on the PSP, they won't be direct emulations even though they may look like old PSone games because they have to work in a different environment and the best way to take advantage of it is to adjust it. If it were just a matter of emulation we'd be playing the games already on hacked/1.5FW PSPs.

The quote from the article says "emulator" not "ports." Hell, 90% of the crap out for the PSP on UMD is already "ports" so if that's all they were doing, why would they go for digital distribution instead of just porting them and putting them on UMD?

Most of my friends hate the JRPGs I so enjoyand wouldn't want copies anyway, but by not letting me play the games I've already purchased, they've lost a sale.

Uh, No they havent because you said you wouldnt pay to play them any way. It;s not even remotly unfortunate for them because they're still going to see a profit from it. Yeah it'd be nice to play ISOs of your PSone games but there are many buisness related reasons for them to not allow it. Just because your friends wont want your games dosent mean there arnt a million other people who'd be happy to share someone else's free game.

Uh, yeah they have, because that would have given me a reason to actually BUY A PSP. Thus I don't, so they lose a sale.

As for the millions of others, good for them. There are plenty of products that survive even if they should die because stupid people keep throwing money at them. What's one more?
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nickspoon posted on Mar 26 2006 at 04:34 AM said:
You realise that the PSP is sold at a loss, so buying one without buying games wouldn't help Sony at all?

Unless you've got evidence to back that up, I'm going to chalk that up to the same myth that says the PS2 is sold at a loss, too.

Either way, it does help them in one place: Market share. I have a DS and no PSP, I'm sony's worst nightmare in the handheld arena.
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I'd imagine they will re-do the games they plan to sell, atleast re-encode the movies and such, for better compression, and smaller dimensions. (How high is the PSP's screen?)

A game like FF8, taking some 4 CD's separately, will not take that much, when the 4 separate .exe files and other redundant files are reduced to one each, and the flics compressed with modern codecs.
GeminiDomino posted on Mar 26 2006 at 06:45 AM said:
I have a DS and no PSP, I'm sony's worst nightmare in the handheld arena.
I have neither! What am I?

- Alex
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Steve-O posted on Mar 26 2006 at 06:18 AM said:
Sony Sell the consoles at a loss but make the money back on the games ;)

Repeating the quote isn't evidence.

Alex said:
I have neither! What am I?

"Not the Target Demographic" Not true, since you have a 2X, but that's how marketing will view you until the 2X is a real competitor to the PSP (which should happen not long after Windows is GPLed and the heat-death of the sun)
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You can be ignorant if you want but that's how most consoles start, for the first 2 to 3 years they DO NOT make a single dollar on the system, PS2 hardware only recently started being sold for profit 2 years ago, Xbox made MS nothing for 3 years aside from the profits from LIVE subscriptions and games The only thing that kept it going was Bill Gate's egotisitcal strategy of spending as much as it would take to try amd make it successfully to a second generation of the machine, The PSP due to it's own marketing campaign could easily cost as much as an overpriced 20 gb iPod. They're sold below the cost to the company to make and market because the number of games sold a year if the system is in your home makes them far more lucrative than a single hardware purchase. It's a simple economic practice that electronics companies have banked on for years. Your baseless denial of something that's a logical fact dosent make it any less true.

You want "evidence" you can go search Gamespot or IGN news posts. Asking people to back up the widely accepted truth is a waste of time.
Anyway, getting sorta back to topic, this must be a good thing. If anyone can emulate Sony, then it must be Sony.

And while I can understand people feeling short changed to play a game they already own, remember you can play the game on your ps1 or ps2. It would be like expecting Capcom to give you the Ps2 Resi Evil4 for free cos you've already bought it for the Gamecube. Doesn't make sense.

And of course Sony will want to charge you for a game they OWN. Why shouldn't they, it's theirs. If they charge too much, don't buy it. They will soon get the idea. But they won't charge too much. I would be very surprised if this wasn't pitched aggressively costwise. I would pay up to £20 to play ff7 again. And some of those old excellent fighters and puzzle games I would want to pay less. I can see this being a big success for the psp, and might persuade me to actually play the thing again!
Alpha2's right. Consoles are generally sold at a loss initial to allow for high specs and console sales. Of course, after a few years, technology advances so parts become cheaper, and they can begin to make a profit on the hardware, too.

The some estimates say the PS3 will cost $900 to manufacture, but do you think Sony would do very well selling their console at that price? Not a chance.

Steve-O posted on Mar 26 2006 at 04:11 AM said:
But that was cracked wasnt it?? you could get GP32 Games from Warez places that ran like the originals (Or were these just the SMC Memory Card versions of the games that ran on all?)
Yep, it was. And surely the PSP one will get cracked, too; though I assume Sony will be a lot more agressive to stop it than Gamepark was.
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shinneri posted on Mar 26 2006 at 07:57 PM said:
Alpha2's right. Consoles are generally sold at a loss initial to allow for high specs and console sales. Of course, after a few years, technology advances so parts become cheaper, and they can begin to make a profit on the hardware, too.

Initial loss. The PSP has been out for some time now.

The some estimates say the PS3 will cost $900 to manufacture, but do you think Sony would do very well selling their console at that price? Not a chance.

Those estimates are flawed. They're based on things such as wholesale component prices, and a large part of that is blu-ray drives. Since sony OWNS blu-ray, they won't be paying blu-ray licensing fees or paying anywhere NEAR wholesale for the drives.

Yep, it was. And surely the PSP one will get cracked, too; though I assume Sony will be a lot more agressive to stop it than Gamepark was.

If the emu were to be cracked so I could run ISOs, that's almost as good. All I care about is playing my own games in my pocket. I bet $200 (for my GP2X) on zodttd's emulator for it. I'll pay 3-400 more for a sure thing.
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The PSP has only been out for about a year; I would highly doubt the hardware would be profitable yet.

And yes, the PS3's cost is driven up largely by its processor and its Blu-Ray drive, but it matters none whether Sony "owns" Blu-Ray or not (which they don't--it's a standard that they want all companies to adopt). New tech costs lots of money, and Blu-Ray's so new it doesn't even exist yet. Likewise, the Cell processor is new, powerful technology, and will naturally cost a lot of money to produce--again, regardless of who "owns" it.

Remember these estimates come from people who make a living out of predicting things like this, and I haven't yet seen a price prediction lower than $700.
shinneri posted on Mar 26 2006 at 10:30 PM said:
Remember these estimates come from people who make a living out of predicting things like this, and I haven't yet seen a price prediction lower than $700.

These estimates come from people who have fsckall to do with anything regarding actual hardware development. They have no idea WTF they're talking about, most of them aren't even engineers.

You have way too much faith in talking heads. No one who knows anything about ANY industry puts faith in "Analysts" like that.
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